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 Dewalt mechanics tool set

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PostSubject: Dewalt mechanics tool set   Dewalt mechanics tool set Icon_minitimeApril 21st 2014, 10:18 pm

I know exactly what you are thinking Dewalt is known for the electric tools. They are but I was in the market for a new socket set after I broke the ratchet and chipped 8 sockets in my last set so I went with some thing that had the life time warranty and there is no proof of purchases necessary. I got the 118 piece set from sears it comes with 1/4 in sockets and 3/8 in sockets, 6 combination wrenches with an anti slip grove thingamabob and metric and standard Allen keys .

7/16 dewalt (left) vs 7/16 craftsman (right)
Dewalt mechanics tool set 10253210
as you see the wrench is about an inch longer than the craftsman

cons this set has a lot of weight to it but that is no big problem

overall I really like having this set
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PostSubject: Re: Dewalt mechanics tool set   Dewalt mechanics tool set Icon_minitimeApril 22nd 2014, 9:19 am

after a few months, update this again so we know how they hold up. its a nice set, but i'll stick with my Blue Point/ Snap On
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Dewalt mechanics tool set
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