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 53mph on the silver bullet rally mower!

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1997 Murray
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53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Empty
PostSubject: 53mph on the silver bullet rally mower!   53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2014, 8:55 am

Actually hit 58 the other day, but here's the vid...

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53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 53mph on the silver bullet rally mower!   53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2014, 10:26 am

Yea buddy those gears are my next big buy. Nice run stretch.
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53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 53mph on the silver bullet rally mower!   53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2014, 10:38 am

Sweet run! But something is missing...... You should paint silver bullet on the side again!
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1997 Murray
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1997 Murray
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53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 53mph on the silver bullet rally mower!   53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2014, 11:30 am

sweet! 53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Fresse my opposed sounds like that dose with the straight pipes. it only goes 30 with 3:2 ratio on pulleys, so it needs to be sped up with your different gears trick.
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53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 53mph on the silver bullet rally mower!   53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2014, 1:46 pm

Nice! Very Happy
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53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 53mph on the silver bullet rally mower!   53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2014, 2:09 pm

BWAHAHAHAHA!! I would have liked to see the faces of the people in the red car!

I love that rock steady steering!!!
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53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 53mph on the silver bullet rally mower!   53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2014, 4:06 pm

Yeah Stretch, I agree with red.  It just isn't right without "The Silver Bullet" painted on the side.

AWESOME THOUGH!  What kind of pulleys did you have on it for this?
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53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 53mph on the silver bullet rally mower!   53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2014, 6:37 pm

This is crazy, i want speed for my mudder but dam, u wanted speed lol
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53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 53mph on the silver bullet rally mower!   53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2015, 10:29 pm

What pulleys are you running?
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53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 53mph on the silver bullet rally mower!   53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Icon_minitimeFebruary 17th 2015, 12:32 pm

Pulleys on ours are normally 1:1 , but the transaxle is geared up internally with Rom's custome gears... He decreased the rear pulley for this to squeeze some more out of it, but we can do 45mph on them with 1:1.

The way more impressive thing about this video in my opinion is how stable the tractor is at that speed... He's just nonchalantly resting his hand on the wheel at 50+ mph... By the way, that is not stock steering behavior.

Proud member of the Mower Cycle Gang... aka the "Mowrons!"

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The Mower Cycle Gang visited 1puglife in May 2014
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53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 53mph on the silver bullet rally mower!   53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Icon_minitimeFebruary 17th 2015, 2:14 pm

Is there a forum post for the internally gear swaps? Cause I'd love to change my gears in my transaxle
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53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 53mph on the silver bullet rally mower!   53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Icon_minitimeFebruary 17th 2015, 4:47 pm

Proud member of the Mower Cycle Gang... aka the "Mowrons!"

My build (Chaos is one of 3 built like this)
Chaos Build

The Mower Cycle Gang visited 1puglife in May 2014
Check out the pics and vids!

Haspin 2021 was a blast!  Check out pics and vids here
Haspin 2021 thread

Join us for the annual Mowron-fest at Haspin Acres!
Haspin Acres Rally 2022!

Check out my YouTube for more tractor action, my vlog, and my bus build!
TheRainbowBoxer on YouTube
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53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 53mph on the silver bullet rally mower!   53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Icon_minitimeFebruary 17th 2015, 4:55 pm

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53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 53mph on the silver bullet rally mower!   53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Icon_minitimeMarch 27th 2015, 1:49 pm

Looks like fun!

Im hoping to hit 45 when I finally get around to finishing my build.
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53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 53mph on the silver bullet rally mower!   53mph on the silver bullet rally mower! Icon_minitime

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53mph on the silver bullet rally mower!
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