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 Recommend replacement for netbook

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Age : 67
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Location : Index, Washington

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PostSubject: Recommend replacement for netbook   Recommend replacement for netbook Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2014, 5:17 pm

My asus eeepc 1000he took a krap.

It let out the magic smoke so there is no saving it, short of replacing the motherboard.

I'd like some recommendations for replacements.

My critera:
*Has to be cheap.
*Has to run on 12vdc or thereabouts. (Look at the power supply or the "wall wart" that will tell you what kind of power it is supplying to the netbook/notebook/tablet/whatever.)
*Has to be able to connect to the internet, and do so via a wired LAN. (Cat5 connector.)
*Has to support external mouse via usb. Possible external monitor.
*Touch screen is a bonus. Especially if I can "draw' on it.
*Has to be at least as big as the asus eeepc 1000he. Bigger is a bonus.
*Should be able to run linux. HAS to run something besides windows.

So, any recommendations?
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Age : 27
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PostSubject: Re: Recommend replacement for netbook   Recommend replacement for netbook Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2014, 7:58 pm

How much you looking to spend?
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Age : 67
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PostSubject: Re: Recommend replacement for netbook   Recommend replacement for netbook Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2014, 8:09 pm

WellThatsSurprising wrote:
How much you looking to spend?
150 dollars or less.

You can stop laughing now. I am looking for used. LOL
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Age : 27
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Location : East Bethel, MN

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PostSubject: Re: Recommend replacement for netbook   Recommend replacement for netbook Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2014, 8:31 pm

Totally understand lol, my laptop is pretty meh. I do all the fun stuff on my desktop. Usually you can find an X61 Thinkpad convertible tablet for about $130-170 with a Core2Duo. 256 pressure level wacom on the screen for drawing. If you're willing to wait around usually T500's go for around $150 too. Slightly newer iteration of the C2D but no touch functionality.
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Age : 67
Join date : 2014-04-14
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Location : Index, Washington

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PostSubject: Re: Recommend replacement for netbook   Recommend replacement for netbook Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2014, 8:36 pm

WellThatsSurprising wrote:
Totally understand lol, my laptop is pretty meh. I do all the fun stuff on my desktop. Usually you can find an X61 Thinkpad convertible tablet for about $130-170 with a Core2Duo. 256 pressure level wacom on the screen for drawing. If you're willing to wait around usually T500's go for around $150 too. Slightly newer iteration of the C2D but no touch functionality.
Now that's the kind of info I need.

I'll further rifine what I want in the tablet/pad/note/netbook/whatever...

I will only ever use it for getting online to check a couple of forums, like this one... And to check my email. Maybe to watch some youtube videos.

It is not for gaming or anything else of that sort. Drawing was an afterthought. Not necessary. Just would be a bonus.

Thanks again.
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PostSubject: Re: Recommend replacement for netbook   Recommend replacement for netbook Icon_minitime

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