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 Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram

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PostSubject: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitimeMarch 3rd 2010, 5:48 pm

I've been asked about wiring alot recently. So here is a diagram that should help everyone. Let me know if you have any questions.

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PostSubject: Re: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitimeMarch 21st 2010, 7:13 pm

Heres a couple basic wiring diagrams i use :


Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Wiring11

You could wire a saftey tether in for the seat switch- then go right to the starter solenoid.


Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Wiring12

Again- setup could be changed a bit, if you wanted to run lights separate on thier own circuit- you can bypass the anti fire solenoid part as well .

I usually wire everything to a 5 PIN ign switch - but these two give different options.
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitimeMarch 22nd 2010, 6:33 pm

Thats awsome! Tis will come in handy alot for me! I want to rewire the craftsman, but keep the key switch. This will save me some guess work!
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitimeMarch 22nd 2010, 9:50 pm

I had a different diagram one for the twin wire off the stator - but the wires wouldnt match the ign switch . These are also the clearest/sharpest copies i could find as well ( plus color coded).

Usually, the way it works is L ( and the white wire off the stator) is for lights - G is ground, B is battery and S is start ( starter solenoid) - Y or M is for the saftey circuit/ shut down from the magneto.

Ill usually run the 5 PIN switch as i mentioned- its easier to wire and sometimes ill either run separate switch /power to the lights off the battery , and a separate kill switch as well.

Years ago i somehow found a site that had all these different wiring diagrams for murray tractors- i printed out every one - i have a folder for all the wiring diagrams and parts lists for some of my fav tractors.
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2010, 2:30 pm

Yeah, thanks for uploading these dangeroustoys. These are really gonna be useful.
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitimeMay 18th 2010, 2:37 pm

Do some engines have a charging system built in or do people need to put in a altornator
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitimeMay 18th 2010, 3:16 pm

Most lawn tractors have an chraging circuit under the coil, with two wires coming from them. These can go bad though, best way is to check it with a voltmeter, you should be producing about 12-14v at full rpm, and about 6v or so at idle.

Im planning on running a 30a car alternator to run halogen lights and a winch on my mudder.
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitimeMay 18th 2010, 5:09 pm

Yepper- older motors that use a generator dont have the stator , push mowers w/o electric start dont, ive got a 70 toro with a 5HP electric/ pull start motor that doesnt have a stator - it originally had a lil plug in the side where youd plug it in the wall to charge the battery ( that part is gone now).

After engine manufacturers quit using generators, they went to a one wire stator( just to charge the battery) , now a days its two wires- one charges the battery, the other wire runs the headlights. Some tractors have an external voltage regulator under the dash - those are usually heavy duty garden tractors with multiple power acessories.
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitimeMay 22nd 2010, 7:56 am

so there is a black and a red wire coming off the stator. do i wire the red to the in port on the solinoid and the black to ground?
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitimeMay 22nd 2010, 8:30 am

I beleieve the red goes to the +ve of the battery, as this is what charges it, and the black is to run lights etc from. Dont quote me on this, dangeroustoys will have a better idea.
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitimeMay 22nd 2010, 11:06 am

my craftsman doesnnt and never has had a fuse!! does it matter? never had any problem! :S
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitimeMay 22nd 2010, 11:07 am

oh and I HATE WIRING!! for me its just too complicated like i understand it all but i can do the lighting and stuff but man urrghhh i get so frustrated
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitimeMay 22nd 2010, 4:18 pm

Hah it ok wireing for me is like a guessing game if it works no problems I guessed right. But if it catches on fire I belive I might have done something wrong
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2012, 2:52 pm

Sorry for bringing this thread back from the dead, but I am having a problem directly related to this thread. What do I do with the black wire if my tractor does not have lights?
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2012, 3:27 pm

RompinRedneck wrote:
Sorry for bringing this thread back from the dead, but I am having a problem directly related to this thread. What do I do with the black wire if my tractor does not have lights?

the wires are usually painted black, use some sand paper or a craft knife to scrape away the paint. The red wire charges the battery, and the orange or white wire is for the head lamps
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2012, 5:01 pm

What if I have no headlamps? Wouldn't that not complete the circuit?
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2012, 7:04 pm

ok so what if i have the carb with a wire coming out of it? i need to put that engine in another tractor and i cant take the wire harness with it because the safety switches wont work on the new tractor
i have wired a few tractors myself and they always work out for me i just need to know what to do with that wire
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2012, 7:14 pm

Jordan wrote:
ok so what if i have the carb with a wire coming out of it? i need to put that engine in another tractor and i cant take the wire harness with it because the safety switches wont work on the new tractor
i have wired a few tractors myself and they always work out for me i just need to know what to do with that wire

Your carb has a fuel shutoff solenoid. You can bypass it by unscrewing it from the bottom of the float and snipping off the needle that you see. You will need to use a manual shutoff on the fuel line after doing this though. Refer to my video if need be. Good luck!
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2012, 8:56 pm

have you tested this out yet? because its actually my brother engine that has it and i dont wanna have to pay to fix it for him if i do something wrong, and he actually runs the manual shut off anyway because if the fuel is left on it floods the engine
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2012, 9:24 pm

I have an engine with that electric valve on it in my murray. I ran it to a toggle switch as a sort of secondary cutoff along with the coil wire. I can't remember how I wired it in though.
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PostSubject: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2012, 9:47 pm

the techies have a screw option to replace the cut off sol. in their carb kits. not sure if briggs has the same thing or not. the plunger shuts the gas off when you turn the key off to eliminated that 10 second delayed pop from the muffler. if you have rewired for just the toggle kill and push button start, you could used a DPST toggle for the fuel stop solenoid. then you wont run the battery down trying to start it if you forget to turn on the other switch make sure to fuse the hot wire before the switch in case the wires or the switch shorts.
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitimeJanuary 10th 2012, 7:24 pm

i have a spare carb for the engine anyway so i just cut the plunger off and the engine runs fine, no problems at all so i put the engine on the other tractor and wired it like i normally do and it runs great
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitimeJanuary 13th 2012, 10:53 pm

First of all, Thanks for response. Correction, I have a 16 hp twin briggs pig, ordered a new coil as the one the motor had was burnt at the ground and wires where coming from inside the plastic. So, technically once i install and gap the new coil w/ the ground unattached the motor should give me some spark, correct?, from there I can bypass wiring like the diagram from fearlessfront, and be set to dominate the back 1/2 acre.
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitimeJune 9th 2012, 2:10 am

anyone have a good diagram for wiring an opposed twin?
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitimeJune 9th 2012, 8:00 am

I've had good luck wiring up a couple of my mowers, including a twin, using the diagram posted by fearlessfront. It's in the wiring topic stickied to the top.
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram   Briggs Engine Wiring Diagram Icon_minitime

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