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 19.5 briggs engine wont run

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19.5 briggs engine wont run Empty
PostSubject: 19.5 briggs engine wont run   19.5 briggs engine wont run Icon_minitimeOctober 22nd 2012, 9:35 am

I have a 19.5 briggs engine on my craftsman mower and I was mudding one day and it died for no reason. I pushed it out of the mud and got it home and when it starts it literraly runs slow enough so that I can hear the piston and valve and stuff moving.
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19.5 briggs engine wont run Empty
PostSubject: Re: 19.5 briggs engine wont run   19.5 briggs engine wont run Icon_minitimeOctober 22nd 2012, 9:43 am

did you have oil in it when it died? is the oil the correct viscosity?
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Age : 27
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19.5 briggs engine wont run Empty
PostSubject: Re: 19.5 briggs engine wont run   19.5 briggs engine wont run Icon_minitimeOctober 29th 2012, 12:22 pm

yeah, its got plenty of oil. but i was having trouble with it starting and now it wont run so i dont know
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19.5 briggs engine wont run Empty
PostSubject: Re: 19.5 briggs engine wont run   19.5 briggs engine wont run Icon_minitimeOctober 29th 2012, 7:23 pm

The flywheel key couldve sheared slightly and knocked it just out of timing , something could be wrapped around pulleys underneath- hard to tell.
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19.5 briggs engine wont run Empty
PostSubject: Re: 19.5 briggs engine wont run   19.5 briggs engine wont run Icon_minitimeOctober 29th 2012, 8:09 pm

dangeroustoys56 wrote:
The flywheel key couldve sheared slightly and knocked it just out of timing , something could be wrapped around pulleys underneath- hard to tell.

Agreed, check your flywheel key, check for spark and see if you have a strong or weak spark, check the bowl, jet of the carb, fuel line and filter for gunk blocking fuel getting through. Have you got good compression? Have you got any clonking noises?

Sorry for the million questions, just building up an idea of whats wrong.
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Age : 27
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19.5 briggs engine wont run Empty
PostSubject: Re: 19.5 briggs engine wont run   19.5 briggs engine wont run Icon_minitimeOctober 30th 2012, 8:06 am

i took the belt off to make sure that it wasnt dragging on the pulley and i dont have a wrench to check the flywheel key either, so that sout.

and would it be a good idea to put a pushmower engine on it?
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Age : 27
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19.5 briggs engine wont run Empty
PostSubject: Re: 19.5 briggs engine wont run   19.5 briggs engine wont run Icon_minitimeOctober 30th 2012, 8:10 am

UPDATE: ive gone thru the carb so many times its not funny,it has a good plug and good spark, good compression,the jets arnt blocked and it gets plenty of gas.
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19.5 briggs engine wont run Empty
PostSubject: Re: 19.5 briggs engine wont run   19.5 briggs engine wont run Icon_minitime

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19.5 briggs engine wont run
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