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 where does the governor spring hook to?

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2016 Build-Off Entrant
2016 Build-Off Entrant

Join date : 2014-01-03
Points : 4032
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where does the governor spring hook to? Empty
PostSubject: where does the governor spring hook to?   where does the governor spring hook to? Icon_minitimeJune 3rd 2014, 8:47 pm

The end near the carb is hanging loose on my 12.5 I/C. The spring goes over the link to the governor arm and is attached to the tip of the arm. I need to know where that other end is supposed to be hooked up.
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2016 Build-Off Entrant
2016 Build-Off Entrant

Join date : 2014-01-03
Points : 4032
Posts : 95

where does the governor spring hook to? Empty
PostSubject: Re: where does the governor spring hook to?   where does the governor spring hook to? Icon_minitimeJune 3rd 2014, 9:19 pm
^ this makes it seem as if there is another hole under the linkage hole that the spring is to hook into. I'll check it out tomorrow.
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where does the governor spring hook to?
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