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 Opposed twin governor linkage.

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Opposed twin governor linkage. Empty
PostSubject: Opposed twin governor linkage.   Opposed twin governor linkage. Icon_minitimeApril 16th 2014, 6:33 pm

Sorry I have been starting so many new threads, but I am new to the small engine world. I am going to modify a craftsman that my uncle gave me, but the governor on the 18 hp opposed twin isn't hooked up. I would leave it off but it revs really high out of the blue and scares the crap out of me, and I don't want chunks of flywheel in my face. I have two main questions. Where is the spring in the green circle supposed to be hooked to? Shouldn't the part in the orange circle also move when the rest of the linkage moves? Because it doesn't. Thanks for any advice. Opposed twin governor linkage. LA7a6m0
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Doc Sprocket
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Opposed twin governor linkage. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin governor linkage.   Opposed twin governor linkage. Icon_minitimeApril 16th 2014, 6:42 pm

The orange circled part gets hooked to the throttle arm on the carb. Is the green circled spring hanging freely?
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Opposed twin governor linkage. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin governor linkage.   Opposed twin governor linkage. Icon_minitimeApril 16th 2014, 6:57 pm

Doc Sprocket wrote:
The orange circled part gets hooked to the throttle arm on the carb. Is the green circled spring hanging freely?
The green circled spring is hanging freely, and I figured the orange circled part got hooked to the carb, but if you move the linkage where the throttle cable hoes the orange circled part doesn't move at all.
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Opposed twin governor linkage. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin governor linkage.   Opposed twin governor linkage. Icon_minitimeApril 16th 2014, 7:06 pm

Orange upwards is the sleeve support where u bolt down ur cable clamp, throttle cable goes to the first ear. Green is the governor spring and supposed to hang freely. The only moving parts when throttling should be the bolt with the spring around it. I think lol.
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Doc Sprocket
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Opposed twin governor linkage. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin governor linkage.   Opposed twin governor linkage. Icon_minitimeApril 16th 2014, 7:09 pm

If the engine is not running, pay NO attention to what moves and what doesn't. Governor is centrifugal. No spin, no function.
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Opposed twin governor linkage. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin governor linkage.   Opposed twin governor linkage. Icon_minitimeApril 16th 2014, 7:45 pm

Ok, so correct me if I am wrong , but I should connect the throttle cable to the part in between the orange circle and the green circle, than I connect the orange circled part to the carburetor butterfly, and let the spring hang free?
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Opposed twin governor linkage. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin governor linkage.   Opposed twin governor linkage. Icon_minitimeApril 16th 2014, 7:58 pm

TokyoDrift99 wrote:
Ok, so correct me if I am wrong , but I should connect the throttle cable to the part in between the orange circle and the green circle, than I connect the orange circled part to the carburetor butterfly, and let the spring hang free?

No, and wheres your carb, and you are missing a steel linkage by the looks of it.

Here's a bad picture of my setup, governed.

And mine's a Vertical Shaft.

Opposed twin governor linkage. A242DFF9-38BD-4D83-93BF-09C790505197-45700-00000DD2832E9A3C_zps85b56c88
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Opposed twin governor linkage. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin governor linkage.   Opposed twin governor linkage. Icon_minitimeApril 16th 2014, 8:15 pm

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Opposed twin governor linkage. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin governor linkage.   Opposed twin governor linkage. Icon_minitimeApril 16th 2014, 8:53 pm

The carb i having "problems" I can't blow air thru the fuel inlet and it wont get gas and carb cleaner is isn't doing jack shart. On top of that the carb keeps flooding so I bought a rebuild. THANK YOU for the repair manual, I'm sure it will save me some headache when this piece of junk gives me even more problems.
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Doc Sprocket
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Opposed twin governor linkage. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin governor linkage.   Opposed twin governor linkage. Icon_minitimeApril 16th 2014, 8:56 pm

This might be a dumb question, but are you sure you're supplying engine vacuum to the vacuum inlet, and fuel to the fuel inlet? I had a severe brain cramp once and for some ODD reason, it didn't work.. LOL

Thunder- what's with the electrical tape around the carb isolator???
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Opposed twin governor linkage. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin governor linkage.   Opposed twin governor linkage. Icon_minitimeApril 16th 2014, 8:57 pm

TokyoDrift99 wrote:
The carb i having "problems" I can't blow air thru the fuel inlet and it wont get gas and carb cleaner is isn't doing jack shart. On top of that the carb keeps flooding so I bought a rebuild. THANK YOU for the repair manual, I'm sure it will save me some headache when this piece of junk gives me even more problems.

Yea they are getting old, and we keep gumming them up. Remember to use 5 minutes to drain the fuel, even run them out of fuel, IF you have a fuel filter is better than let them gum up with gunky gasoline.

I have never used carb cleaner in my life, I don't even know what it contains.
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Opposed twin governor linkage. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin governor linkage.   Opposed twin governor linkage. Icon_minitimeApril 16th 2014, 8:59 pm

Doc Sprocket wrote:

Thunder- what's with the electrical tape around the carb isolator???

Intake cracked in shipping, it's not elec. tape, it's self vulcanizing tape, but it's a temporary fix. lol
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Opposed twin governor linkage. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin governor linkage.   Opposed twin governor linkage. Icon_minitimeApril 16th 2014, 9:07 pm

In reply to Doc, yes it is getting plenty of fuel, it used to flood the carb, because the needle is worn. Now it wont get any, Is it possible that I made the mixture too lean and it completely blocked off fuel from coming in? (like I said if this is a dumb question I am new to this).

In reply to Thunder, How do you clean your carbs if you don't use cleaner.
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Doc Sprocket
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Opposed twin governor linkage. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin governor linkage.   Opposed twin governor linkage. Icon_minitimeApril 16th 2014, 9:08 pm

It's possible. Turn main mixture screw in until it gently seats. Now turn it out 1.5 full turns, and fine tune from there.
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Opposed twin governor linkage. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin governor linkage.   Opposed twin governor linkage. Icon_minitimeApril 16th 2014, 9:11 pm

TokyoDrift99 wrote:
In reply to Doc, yes it is getting plenty of fuel, it used to flood the carb, because the needle is worn. Now it wont get any, Is it possible that I made the mixture too lean and it completely blocked off fuel from coming in? (like I said if this is a dumb question I am new to this).

In reply to Thunder, How do you clean your carbs if you don't use cleaner.

Fresh gasoline, and needles also WD40.
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Opposed twin governor linkage. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin governor linkage.   Opposed twin governor linkage. Icon_minitimeApril 16th 2014, 9:19 pm

I tried WD-40 and PB Blaster, maybe it worked. I haven't had the carb back together.
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Opposed twin governor linkage. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin governor linkage.   Opposed twin governor linkage. Icon_minitime

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