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 mst vs. 920/930

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1997 Murray
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mst vs. 920/930 Empty
PostSubject: mst vs. 920/930   mst vs. 920/930 Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2014, 3:36 pm

someone tell me what is wrong with my 5 speed mst and 5 speed 920! ( I know what it is, you figure it out.)

mst vs. 920/930 5-6_sp10

mst vs. 920/930 5-6_sp11

I will give you an hour mst vs. 920/930 Icon_wink
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1997 Murray
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PostSubject: Re: mst vs. 920/930   mst vs. 920/930 Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2014, 3:55 pm

the mst is not the same as the 920 serise axles. the gears that the mower gang changed are a 15/35 tooth set, and the mst has 11/39 gearset. and the splines are different, so you can't swap in a set from the gears in the shifting cluster. the cases are similer, but not idenical, and the gear that holds the spiders is thicker in the 920 than in the mst.

mst vs. 920/930 5-6_sp12
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2014 Build-Off Entrant
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PostSubject: Re: mst vs. 920/930   mst vs. 920/930 Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2014, 4:00 pm

they need put together thts why goof
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PostSubject: Re: mst vs. 920/930   mst vs. 920/930 Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2014, 4:13 pm

1997 Murray wrote:
someone tell me what is wrong with my 5 speed mst and 5 speed 920! ( I know what it is, you figure it out.)

mst vs. 920/930 5-6_sp10

mst vs. 920/930 5-6_sp11

I will give you an hour mst vs. 920/930 Icon_wink
They are laying in pieces on the floor.

Next question?
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PostSubject: Re: mst vs. 920/930   mst vs. 920/930 Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2014, 4:37 pm

1997 Murray wrote:
the mst is not the same as the 920 serise axles. the gears that the mower gang changed are a 15/35 tooth set, and the mst has 11/39 gearset. and the splines are different, so you can't swap in a set from the gears in the shifting cluster. the cases are similer, but not idenical, and the gear that holds the spiders is thicker in the 920 than in the mst.

mst vs. 920/930 5-6_sp12

Yeah the MST also had gear driven reverse.  They are totally different trannys, that is why they are different.  If they would be the same they would both be MST's or 920's.  Rolling Eyes
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2014 Build-Off Entrant
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PostSubject: Re: mst vs. 920/930   mst vs. 920/930 Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2014, 6:06 pm

1997 Murray wrote:
the mst is not the same as the 920 serise axles. the gears that the mower gang changed are a 15/35 tooth set, and the mst has 11/39 gearset. and the splines are different, so you can't swap in a set from the gears in the shifting cluster. the cases are similer, but not idenical, and the gear that holds the spiders is thicker in the 920 than in the mst.

mst vs. 920/930 5-6_sp12

Yeah the MST also had gear driven reverse.  They are totally different trannys, that is why they are different.  If they would be the same they would both be MST's or 920's.  Rolling Eyes
*cough*FIVE speed mst and *cough* FIVE speed 920 *cough* think about it
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1997 Murray
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PostSubject: Re: mst vs. 920/930   mst vs. 920/930 Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2014, 8:00 pm

ok you guys didn't get it at all. there is no spacer at the end of the cluster, and all trannys have room for 6 speeds. so they are now both 6 speeds! they have a 13:1 high gear ratio instead of 15:1, which means more speed! mst vs. 920/930 Lol
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PostSubject: Re: mst vs. 920/930   mst vs. 920/930 Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2014, 8:28 pm

i didnt wanna say since u said to me  tongue 
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Doc Sprocket
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PostSubject: Re: mst vs. 920/930   mst vs. 920/930 Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2014, 10:03 pm

Mkay, then! Remind me to show you the 700 I built for my racer, and you can tell ME everything I have rearraged in there, wiseass! Wink
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1997 Murray
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PostSubject: Re: mst vs. 920/930   mst vs. 920/930 Icon_minitimeJune 28th 2014, 9:09 am

haha i was hoping for better pics so you could clearly see what was wrong, but whatever. here are the spacers:

mst vs. 920/930 5-6_sp14

so if you want more speeds just get some gears from a different peerless tranny and find the biggest one with splines and the smallest one with slots for shift keys and put them on the end in place of the spacers.
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PostSubject: Re: mst vs. 920/930   mst vs. 920/930 Icon_minitime

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