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 Craftsman "not sure of name yet" offroad build

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Age : 28
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Location : Salem ct

Craftsman "not sure of name yet" offroad build Empty
PostSubject: Craftsman "not sure of name yet" offroad build   Craftsman "not sure of name yet" offroad build Icon_minitimeJuly 11th 2014, 10:05 am

Haven't been on here in a while guys but now that it's summer and I've graduated from highschool the build-up is back in full swing. Picked up a craftsman 12/38 with a non-running 12.5 briggs(flywheel teeth sheared off) to replace my mtd whose fnr was slowly failing me. Dropped my second 12.5 briggs off the mtd into her and she good to go. Pics to come soon but things I've done so far include:
Painted black,feet/leg guards welded on,front bumper mounted,atv winch installed,22x12-8 kenda bearclaws on the rear, spindle mod in the front with the stock rear tires now in the front,custom exhaust, and pullstart mod on the engine.
I still have more left to do to this thing and I'll make sure to keep this build updated guys  Very Happy Exclamation 
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Craftsman "not sure of name yet" offroad build
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