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 2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics)

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Muddy Sunday
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2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Empty
PostSubject: 2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics)   2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Icon_minitimeJanuary 8th 2015, 9:02 pm

After being used as a parts mower. and neglected over the past 3 years my uncle gave me this Craftsman Lt1000. The original 17.5 hp was taken for another mower and so was the deck. The 6 speed transaxle wouldn't shift and the steering rod was bent from being pulled by a truck. so after taking the transaxle apart and freeing up the shifter i replaced the grease with gear oil and replaced the steering rod. Sorry i don't have pictures of the transaxle or of when i first got it but here is it during the summer.  

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0327_zps7e13b838

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0335_zpsec4e349f

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0328_zpsd659ac13

This was its Winter setup. ATV rims and front bumper and a plastidiped front.

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0477_zps4c6cc689

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0479_zps232ff84c

No updates in a few weeks probably should post more. First update is another mower i could possibly be getting. Not sure what year and don't have any pictures yet but it looks close to this year.

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Attachment

Also been working on rebuilding a 20hp opposed twin. figured it would be fun to put it on the older murray if i get it.

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) <a href=2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0522_zps954bd28e" />

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0521_zps179162e8

As for the craftsman, its been sitting most of the winter waiting on me to fix small things before summer. First thing done is the wiring so i no longer need to jump start it all the time.

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0538_zps25b60d01

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0542_zps2bcb09c2

Also cleaned the engine and gave it an oil change and carb cleaning. Also re painted the shroud.

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0540_zps4fb5f6cd

Also needed to know if this threaded rod would work for a go kart axle or if it would just break or bend.

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0518_zps6b00340d

Sorry for the blurry pictures i had to take pictures in the dark. The mower has a set of headlights i made from the original plastic clips but the halogen bulbs just melt the plastic so i will probablt try to get some led bulbs to see if that works. The red is circling the smoke coming from the plastic melting.

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Ef0d57a2-b64b-4ee3-9827-dbfada586835_zpsrxevx1xx

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) F9a38249-a1bc-4858-9354-fe18f7dd9cfc_zpssqkbmuh7

I have one quick question. if im running a 6in pully on the engine and a 3-1/2in pully on the transmission with a stock clutch what size belt should i use because ive bought 3 that were all way too big.

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0512_zpsxcc3h4dd

Update on the craftsman. So ive been riding it around for about 2 weeks and everything seemed fine. well today me and my buddy decided to drive around on a huge ATV trail that was cut behind our neighborhood. i noticed that my 6th gear was losing alot of power when i was going up hills or through the mud but would do fine in a straight line. well we decided to leave the trail and i notice a trail of gear oil behind me so i pull over on the side of the road and notice a small hole in my case. I just laughed and figured Oh well. so now time to rebuild i will also be sure to lock the next one. The most embarrassing part was being towed home with my buddy's dirt bike. lol!

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) B7b074f7-3ef1-43c5-a4e6-cd2862a28788_zps3vjsskqm
2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) 434ece80-6ab2-43fa-8bdc-70aaef21b72b_zpsvayyceir.

UPDATE: the latest mod is the 22+11-8 Carlisle Strykers in the rear.

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0184_zps2e0p1y52

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0183_zpsj16heytq

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0185_zpson3zu7qq

The rims are all repainted black again and the front axle is bolted to keep it from flexing. Also i don't think i mentioned that i am running a 5in pulley on the front and a 5in in the rear. I didn't get any pics today but i am going to try to go on a trail ride tomorrow and will get some pics then.

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) 118843fb-a9ad-4a31-9e4e-3770eab67da5_zpsjeiugwzi

Got a quick picture from a trail ride today.

Went for a short ride today. probably gonna swap the 12.5 hp for another 12 hp because the motor on it now isn't running so well. I pretty sure it could just use a tune up but the other motor also has alot less hours. anyway heres some pics.

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) A4c88fcf-ebaf-40fb-831c-8a33826235d2_zps750bligf

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) 179a18a7-c32b-47a6-b331-11151a2b5dc3_zpszjdafsmp

Also got a picture of how much offset the back wheels have.

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) 315735ac-5bde-43de-9c78-ddf550515fbc_zpshmllhexu

I also got a picture of my buddys project that will be started pretty soon. he probably wont post a build tread of it but i will put pics of his progress on mine. its a 1999 poulan pro. basically the 1st gen craftsman lt 1000.

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0191_zpsq66c5p9v

The reason it was free. I also keep this piston because i thought it was pretty funny any way we have another 14.5 hp piston to put in it and a new head.

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0180_zps47a7t6wn

UPDATE: The mower went for a long off road trail ride, broke the shifter link-edge, and pulled my buddys tractor to my house today.

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_02531_zpsbpzyp2ra

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_02541_zpsluoxsepa

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_02621_zpspfkwadch

The mail box and cooler are full of his engine parts just in case you were curious. lol!

Also I will be doing an engine swap really soon. 11.15.2015

Last edited by Muddy Sunday on November 15th 2015, 9:40 pm; edited 16 times in total (Reason for editing : Updating)
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2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics)   2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Icon_minitimeFebruary 25th 2015, 2:15 am

The rod would probly break. The murray is most likely 70's, I have a 83. The craftsman is a lot like mine, but the plastic on the hood is different. They are really good.
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2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics)   2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Icon_minitimeFebruary 25th 2015, 2:19 am

Also, let me know how much it cost to rebuild the 20hp. I have a 18hp I want to try at, but I need a new internal governor. So I just have it torn apart just sitting there.
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2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics)   2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Icon_minitimeFebruary 25th 2015, 3:29 pm

Looks to be alot like mine. Question on your atv tires/hubs on the front. I had the same setup on mine for a while and I'm curious to as how the hubs are working for there any slop? Are those the rear hubs off of the atv?
2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) 07410
I was rocking a very similar setup for a while
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2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics)   2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Icon_minitimeFebruary 25th 2015, 8:31 pm

jamcco wrote:
Looks to be alot like mine. Question on your atv tires/hubs on the front. I had the same setup on mine for  a while and I'm curious to as how the hubs are working for there any slop? Are those the rear hubs off of the atv?
2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) 07410
I was rocking a very similar setup for a while
Right now my profile pic is way out of date. The one on the left is what I'm using on your pic. We have a Polaris Sportsman 90 and I just popped the tires off its rims and put them on my murray's rims. Used them on mine till I could afford bigger. I just cut some off the rim to let it slide on so I could put the clip back on. I have only put them on the front about 2 weeks ago and so far so good. I was going to use the hubs, but they were splined.
This is how I used them before I upgraded. 2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Sany0010
Also, this is my murray. 2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) 1983_m10
Tomarrow if I can remember, I will get a updated pic of what I drive.
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2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics)   2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Icon_minitimeFebruary 25th 2015, 10:02 pm

Yeah don't use that threaded rod as an axle it will either bend or break.
Nice rigs btw
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Muddy Sunday
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2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics)   2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Icon_minitimeMarch 13th 2015, 10:39 pm

jamcco wrote:
Looks to be alot like mine. Question on your atv tires/hubs on the front. I had the same setup on mine for  a while and I'm curious to as how the hubs are working for there any slop? Are those the rear hubs off of the atv?
2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) 07410
I was rocking a very similar setup for a while

My hubs were almost the exact same size as the original spindals so they fit almost like the original rims but had a little bit of play in them. I have scenes then put the original front wheels and tires back on

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0478_zps7ee49889

This is my only photo of the front rims but the used all of the same clips and washers as the original rims and didnt have too much play in them.
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2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics)   2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Icon_minitimeNovember 16th 2015, 12:01 pm

Neat picture of the valve jammed into the piston. More parts for the display shelf.
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Muddy Sunday
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2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics)   2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Icon_minitimeNovember 17th 2015, 11:21 pm

Removed all the safety switches and the rest of the deck mounts and equipment off my buddy's tractor.

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) 54007e6a-67d5-4a2b-889b-82b12943f394_zpshm3puvuk
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Muddy Sunday
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2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics)   2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Icon_minitimeNovember 21st 2015, 6:03 pm

Swapped the old beast of a 12.hp briggs and got the other 12 put in it. I would say it was a pretty successful task.

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0277_zpsiinodqti

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0278_zpsw2u7vlsh

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0282_zpswwluvo4y

Cleaned the engine plate a little.
2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0283_zpsksyvqhgx

New engine on chassis.

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0285_zps6rxcmink

Air filter, gas line and fule filter installed.
2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0286_zpsdqiiph8f

Made a heat guard for the exhaust.

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0289_zpsdcx8gbmk

Washed and done.

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0287_zpsrrzsh0ib

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0288_zpsbviacwx1
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Muddy Sunday
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2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics)   2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Icon_minitimeNovember 22nd 2015, 10:31 pm

I love it when i try to start my engine and my starter explodes. ( I dont like it when that happens.) lol!

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0292_zpsc3shzwwb

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0293_zpskzrg5p0q

All Better, Good thing i keep alot of backup parts laying around.

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0296_zpsyf0axnj1

Also started a rebuild on the old 12.5hp.

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0297_zpsnuftguyl

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0301_zpsvqujpufp

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0299_zpsh27tputq

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0305_zpsktnknh7t

It was pretty clean except for some small marks on the piston.

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0307_zpsym1ybpht
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2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics)   2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Icon_minitimeNovember 25th 2015, 4:43 pm

wow man this is a good looking rig, and I love them rear tires how do they perform over all? keep up the good work
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Muddy Sunday
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2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics)   2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Icon_minitimeNovember 25th 2015, 7:39 pm

kawasaki220 wrote:
wow man this is a good looking rig, and I love them rear tires how do they perform over all? keep up the good work

Appreciate it man. And I actually found the tires on an old atv trail they were just thrown in the bushes so i grabbed them and put tubes in them. lol!  But other than that they work great for the differential not being locked. The size of them makes it almost like a limited slip differential and ive had them in mud as deep as the floorboards and they were still going. i would defiantly recommend a new set of them if you've got the money. ( or find a set in the woods )
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Muddy Sunday
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2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics)   2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Icon_minitimeDecember 12th 2015, 8:21 pm

Haven't had alot of time to update anything so ill do a quick run threw of whats been going on. 1. My buddy that owned the black poluan pro moved and wont be able to work on it so he turned it over to me. 2, the 14.5 hp is almost all the way back together minus the governor because im going zero f*cks given. 3 the poulan will be getting it own build so look forword to that. Enjoy the pictures.

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0330_zpsrpbe97vl

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0331_zpsheenqqjr

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0335_zpswflli4kq

2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) IMG_0332_zpspik85zde

Im thinking the poulan is going to be a rat or race mower.
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2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics)   2nd Generation Craftsman Lt1000 Offroad Build - (Pics) Icon_minitime

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