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 I dun screwed myself up.

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I dun screwed myself up. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I dun screwed myself up.   I dun screwed myself up. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJanuary 18th 2015, 1:17 pm

wowo thats bad you should look on craigslist to see if there is a bike like yours to take what you need off to fix this one but that is a nice bike how many cc is it
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I dun screwed myself up. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I dun screwed myself up.   I dun screwed myself up. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJanuary 18th 2015, 1:40 pm

Glad to hear you're doing better. I broke my tibia and fibula (calf bones) quite a number of years ago snowmobiling, it sucks not being able to walk. Good luck with fixing the bike.
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I dun screwed myself up. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I dun screwed myself up.   I dun screwed myself up. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJanuary 18th 2015, 3:23 pm

Thanks. And, kawasaki220 it is a 2009 Kawasaki KLX140 Monster Energy.
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PostSubject: Re: I dun screwed myself up.   I dun screwed myself up. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJanuary 18th 2015, 4:23 pm

luckly the klx140 has been around since 2008, and all the parts are still basically the same. Just be glad you have the KLX140
instead of the KLX140L (my bike). The parts for the regular 140's are more abundant, and after a quick ebay search I have noticed they are out there. I wish you luck in the rebuild/rehabilitation process of you and your bike What a Face
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I dun screwed myself up. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I dun screwed myself up.   I dun screwed myself up. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJanuary 18th 2015, 4:39 pm

Hey jamcco do you know what the sensor thing in the motor block is right next to the shifter? I think it's like low oil sensor or something, because that is what broke on my bike. I have ho idea how something got in behind the shifter and broke it though. It leaks oil when I put it on the kickstand so I have to put a block of wood under the kickstand when I put it away. lol
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I dun screwed myself up. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I dun screwed myself up.   I dun screwed myself up. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJanuary 18th 2015, 4:58 pm

Hey jamcco do you know what the sensor thing in the motor block is right next to the shifter? I think it's like low oil sensor or something, because that is what broke on my bike. I have ho idea how something got in behind the shifter and broke it though. It leaks oil when I put it on the kickstand so I have to put a block of wood under the kickstand when I put it away. lol

as far as i know there are no oil sensors on the klx's.....what does the part look like, are there any wires running to it? or is it part of the casting on the block/cover. I just looked at my bike and theres a cylindrical outcrop directly next to the shifter. Is that what youre talking about?
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I dun screwed myself up. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I dun screwed myself up.   I dun screwed myself up. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJanuary 18th 2015, 5:01 pm

Oh now I see where those handguards clamp to the bar they are a little different than mine. Sounds like your leg took quite a beating.
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I dun screwed myself up. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I dun screwed myself up.   I dun screwed myself up. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJanuary 18th 2015, 7:03 pm

mr.modified wrote:
Oh now I see where those handguards clamp to the bar they are a little different than mine. Sounds like your leg took quite a beating.

Looked at my bike today. Another possibility for breaking my leg is:
1)We hit, I fly up to go over bars and my leg breaks from hitting my bars.

Don't know if you can tell in the pic but the left side of my bars are bent waayyy forward. I originally thought that was from landing on the left side while it was wanting to go down the hill with me. BUT, my dad pointed out that if i was standing on the pegs (I was) my knee would have been right about even with my bars.

2) Quad runs over my leg while I roll down hill after we hit. NOTE: I am pretty sure that his quad ran over my leg(s) when i was rolling down the hill, but it would have ran over the part BELOW my knee. Still not sure what actually broke it.

I never remember feeling any major pain until I stopped rolling.
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I dun screwed myself up. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I dun screwed myself up.   I dun screwed myself up. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2015, 8:32 pm

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I dun screwed myself up. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I dun screwed myself up.   I dun screwed myself up. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2015, 9:08 pm

Welp, there wasnt much you can do. Looks like you both kinda went the same way. Always a little sketch free riding on hills with other people. Buddy got ramed into last time we rode.
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I dun screwed myself up. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I dun screwed myself up.   I dun screwed myself up. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2015, 11:01 pm

jamcco wrote:
Hey jamcco do you know what the sensor thing in the motor block is right next to the shifter? I think it's like low oil sensor or something, because that is what broke on my bike. I have ho idea how something got in behind the shifter and broke it though. It leaks oil when I put it on the kickstand so I have to put a block of wood under the kickstand when I put it away. lol

as far as i know there are no oil sensors on the klx's.....what does the part look like, are there any wires running to it? or is it part of the casting on the block/cover. I just looked at my bike and theres a cylindrical outcrop directly next to the shifter. Is that what youre talking about?

Tyler came up today and we figured out it is the neutral switch. You have to have the clutch in unless it's in neutral or bike won't start.. now the clutch needs to be in wether it's in neutral or not. Also found out the battery still has a charge!

Also, the forks from the regular and l version are the same if I recall. The swingarms are a tad bit longer on the ls tho.
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I dun screwed myself up. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I dun screwed myself up.   I dun screwed myself up. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJanuary 25th 2015, 10:29 am

jamcco wrote:
Hey jamcco do you know what the sensor thing in the motor block is right next to the shifter? I think it's like low oil sensor or something, because that is what broke on my bike. I have ho idea how something got in behind the shifter and broke it though. It leaks oil when I put it on the kickstand so I have to put a block of wood under the kickstand when I put it away. lol

as far as i know there are no oil sensors on the klx's.....what does the part look like, are there any wires running to it? or is it part of the casting on the block/cover. I just looked at my bike and theres a cylindrical outcrop directly next to the shifter. Is that what youre talking about?

Tyler came up today and we figured out it is the neutral switch. You have to have the clutch in unless it's in neutral or bike won't start.. now the clutch needs to be in wether it's in neutral or not. Also found out the battery still has a charge!

Also, the forks from the regular and l version are the same if I recall. The swingarms are a tad bit longer on the ls tho.

Good to hear you got it figured out. The clutch safety is a great feature, keeps you from killing your starter and swiping the bike out from under your feet. The forks are the same, the rear swingarm is bigger in the 140L. If I were you I'd buy L wheels to replace yours. You'll fit the bike better in the long run. Glad to hear that you guys are being good hearted about all this.KEEP CALM AND BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP ON
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I dun screwed myself up. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I dun screwed myself up.   I dun screwed myself up. - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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