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 help with accelerating 12.5 L-head

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2015 Build-Off Entrant
2015 Build-Off Entrant

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help with accelerating 12.5 L-head Empty
PostSubject: help with accelerating 12.5 L-head   help with accelerating 12.5 L-head Icon_minitimeDecember 27th 2014, 7:20 pm

help with accelerating 12.5 L-head
the engine on ly M-97 [url=] :[/url]
the engine has trouble getting out of idle, if you floor it, it will die, but its very responsive if its over idle already, and going to top speed, its annoying because i have a dying battery and it dies easily. even after upping the AIR/FUEL mix, it still stalls even if its completely warmed up. help please.
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Mad Mudder


Age : 24
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Location : canton ga

help with accelerating 12.5 L-head Empty
PostSubject: Re: help with accelerating 12.5 L-head   help with accelerating 12.5 L-head Icon_minitimeDecember 28th 2014, 12:51 am

Could be stopped up air filter or just gunk in the carb
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help with accelerating 12.5 L-head
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