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 M-97 1997 murray

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M-97 1997 murray Empty
PostSubject: M-97 1997 murray   M-97 1997 murray Icon_minitimeDecember 26th 2014, 7:17 pm

this is a 1997 murray wide body given to me for free from my algebra 2 teacher. he ran it out of oil and the crank and rod ceased together.
pulley swap
new clutch
bigger tires.
separate choke
fender flares

To do:

front and rear bumpers
gas pedal
brake pedal
more lights
tow hooks
re-enforce front axle hanger
what else? POST YOUR IDEAS!

current stuff:
so took it apart, the whole tractor is in immaculate condition for being 18 years old. i ground out the rod, so then it worked freely (trying to save money on a new one). then i redid the clutch to a dual pulley and pulley swapped it to 1:1 with 5' pulleys. after figuring out belt size, and other stuff. i put it all together. its loud as hell
(i wonder why.....)
M-97 1997 murray Img_0624
i will maybe make the stack tomorrow, will do the gas and brake pedals. old bike brakes. but, runs ok, its sensitive to power demand, (Is it because of the current short exhaust? or is it carb?

but i set up separate choke, all new re-wire, 20" tires, instead of the stock 18.5s. MORE PICS Exclamation
M-97 1997 murray Img_0625
M-97 1997 murray Img_0626
here is some of the clutch...
M-97 1997 murray Img_0510
M-97 1997 murray 137_0021

Last edited by mudman604 on December 22nd 2015, 1:45 pm; edited 4 times in total
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M-97 1997 murray Empty
PostSubject: Re: M-97 1997 murray   M-97 1997 murray Icon_minitimeDecember 26th 2014, 9:34 pm

Looks good and sounds like you got some good plans, lots of fearless front mods, hes a good guy to listen to as far as mods. For future reference if you make custom clutches, because nobody really says this in videos, is make sure you keep the clutch on the same side of the belt as stock. when i made mine and didnt know what i was really doin', i put mine on the wrong side and had a lot of slip.

ATV tires and locking the axle if you drive on challenging terrain is a big ting for me too. stacks are OK, id keep that little muffler you got somewhere in the stack when you build it so you dont go deaf lol.

Other things are like lights on the bumpers, tow hooks, atv winches, skid plates, belly pans, upgraded steering so its tighter and lasts longer, storage spots, tow rope, ect. all depends on where you drive and what you do. Every mower is build around you, for you.
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PostSubject: Re: M-97 1997 murray   M-97 1997 murray Icon_minitimeDecember 26th 2014, 11:44 pm

[Most] all exhaust changes warrant carb tuning.

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PostSubject: Re: M-97 1997 murray   M-97 1997 murray Icon_minitimeDecember 27th 2014, 8:22 am

yea, quick note, i had to add a idler in the opposite side because the belt rubbed the shifter. it my not have been completely necessary, but its there. now it the engine was not so sensitive on power delivery, i easily pop wheelies with this clutch. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: M-97 1997 murray   M-97 1997 murray Icon_minitimeDecember 27th 2014, 8:54 am

redlinemotorsportts wrote:
Looks good and sounds like you got some good plans, lots of fearless front mods, hes a good guy to listen to as far as mods. For future reference if you make custom clutches, because nobody really says this in videos, is make sure you keep the clutch on the same side of the belt as stock. when i made mine and didnt know what i was really doin', i put mine on the wrong side and had a lot of slip.

ATV tires and locking the axle if you drive on challenging terrain is a big ting for me too. stacks are OK, id keep that little muffler you got somewhere in the stack when you build it so you dont go deaf lol.

Other things are like lights on the bumpers, tow hooks, atv winches, skid plates, belly pans, upgraded steering so its tighter and lasts longer, storage spots, tow rope, ect. all depends on where you drive and what you do. Every mower is build around you, for you.

winch, maybe, i have my m-99 for that, link in signature. fearless front is why i started this whole mower modding off-roading thing. the story is at m-99's forum post. im not a big fan of stacks ether, but it my dads tractor and he wants a stack:) . i will see on the muffler, probably will, but will see how loud it is. tow hooks defiantly, the stock murray dual tierod stering is pretty tough isn't it? iv had my experience with it. on m-99, i hit a tree, bent a spindle, axle, axle hanger, and snapped two teeth off of the small steering gear. the tie rods did not bend Shocked . i like it alot.
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PostSubject: Re: M-97 1997 murray   M-97 1997 murray Icon_minitimeDecember 27th 2014, 6:13 pm

so, did some more work today, still straight piped. so, got on it rode it around, found engine and tranny leaking oil. both a case of not tightened enough bolts. the engine, i had to disconnect every thing and UN-bolt it then re-tighten all the crankcase bolts, and the tranny was only in one spot, so after tightening the bolts added some extra RTV to seal it. then i got to the gas and brake pedals. i didn't get any pics while building, but her is the final product.
M-97 1997 murray Img_0627
so as you can see, i took a peace of tub steel from the deck system, welded two angled handle bar peaces to it and used two bike brakes the usual go-to system
M-97 1997 murray Img_0628
then it is bolted to the fender
M-97 1997 murray Img_0629
and of course, brake on the left, gas on the right. the brake went to a hole drilled in the custom tranny mount, then it is looped around and clamped to itself. orig spring for the brake. works great.
M-97 1997 murray Img_0630
M-97 1997 murray Img_0631
M-97 1997 murray Img_0632
then to gas hooks to the orig plastic peace with a screw, note: the screw has to be the shortish screw you can find, not to big, if its too long, it will lock up the whole setup.
M-97 1997 murray Img_0633
i covered the flash with a finger trying to get a better pic, looks cool. Smile
M-97 1997 murray Img_0634
the return spring, i cut a notch into the carb support and hooked ti there.
M-97 1997 murray Img_0635
thats it. will prob do the stack tomorrow
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M-97 1997 murray Empty
PostSubject: Re: M-97 1997 murray   M-97 1997 murray Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2015, 8:46 am

HEY! Wheres the editor to like put in a pic or vid in comments? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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802 Customs
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M-97 1997 murray Empty
PostSubject: Re: M-97 1997 murray   M-97 1997 murray Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2015, 11:23 am

Nice progress, that gas and brake pedal may get a little confusing for you, being that they are so skinny and close. be sure to brace the stack, if you roll onto the stack you will likely royally F up the engine block or head if its a ohv.
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M-97 1997 murray Empty
PostSubject: Re: M-97 1997 murray   M-97 1997 murray Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2015, 11:45 am

802 Customs wrote:
Nice progress, that gas and brake pedal may get a little confusing for you, being that they are so skinny and close. be sure to brace the stack, if you roll onto the stack you will likely royally F up the engine block or head if its a ohv.
thanks, althought, its just gas on the right, brake on the left. just like a car. the stack, we went shorty with it, but i cant get the editor for a post to put in a pic! where is it?
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PostSubject: Re: M-97 1997 murray   M-97 1997 murray Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2015, 3:04 pm

Where is what? Are you using mobile cite or desktop?
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M-97 1997 murray Empty
PostSubject: Re: M-97 1997 murray   M-97 1997 murray Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2015, 3:18 pm

what else? POST YOUR IDEAS!
You should remount the 18.5s in the front of the mower.
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M-97 1997 murray Empty
PostSubject: Re: M-97 1997 murray   M-97 1997 murray Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2015, 6:57 pm

ok, i guess it was the school wifi not letting me use the reply tools. i would, but i sold them to my friend - because he needed them. here are the exhaust pics.
M-97 1997 murray Img_0610
M-97 1997 murray Img_0611
M-97 1997 murray Img_0612
i have a vid of a muffler FAIL (that's why there's screws in it) ill upload it later this weekend.
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M-97 1997 murray Empty
PostSubject: Re: M-97 1997 murray   M-97 1997 murray Icon_minitimeMarch 29th 2015, 7:50 pm

new picks, after taking it romping and cleaning it.
M-97 1997 murray Img_0837
M-97 1997 murray Img_0838
M-97 1997 murray Img_0839
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PostSubject: Re: M-97 1997 murray   M-97 1997 murray Icon_minitime

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