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 42 c.i. oppy carb

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42 c.i. oppy carb Empty
PostSubject: 42 c.i. oppy carb   42 c.i. oppy carb Icon_minitimeMarch 27th 2015, 2:03 pm

so, I got a black top oppy, it has the carb with adjustable idle mixture screw. ive cleaned the carb 5 times and it still wont idle without the choke being almost all the way on. once I rev it up I can take the choke off and it runs fine, but it wont idle. ive gone thru this carb multiple times and all the passages are clean and clear. im using fresh gas, new filters, and new lines. other than this it runs perfect, doesn't miss, and doesn't burn oil. besides the gas consumption I love this engine

edit: These are the only pics I have. the carb does NOT look like that anymore, it looks almost new
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42 c.i. oppy carb Empty
PostSubject: Re: 42 c.i. oppy carb   42 c.i. oppy carb Icon_minitimeMarch 27th 2015, 6:12 pm

my guess is the idle screw (one on the front of the carb under fuel pump) is plugged or ajusted too lean. It should be out 1 1/2 a turn from a light seat
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42 c.i. oppy carb Empty
PostSubject: Re: 42 c.i. oppy carb   42 c.i. oppy carb Icon_minitimeMarch 27th 2015, 7:13 pm

sounds like it is not pulling fuel to the bowl fast enough on idle
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42 c.i. oppy carb Empty
PostSubject: Re: 42 c.i. oppy carb   42 c.i. oppy carb Icon_minitimeMarch 27th 2015, 7:51 pm

Moose wrote:
sounds like it is not pulling fuel to the bowl fast enough on idle

Well. That might be a problem, but itll idle as long as i want it too. How would i check the pump?

And about the idle screw, i took it out and put a regular screw in there (flat end no tip) and it still acts the same.

Would it be possible that it doesnt have enough manifold vacuum at idle to pull the fuel?
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802 Customs
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42 c.i. oppy carb Empty
PostSubject: Re: 42 c.i. oppy carb   42 c.i. oppy carb Icon_minitimeMarch 28th 2015, 8:09 pm

You could certainly have a air leak after the carb, that would lean the system out and not suck enough fuel to idle. Put some RTV silicone on the all the intake gaskets, or replace them if you want. To check the pump pull the fuel line off that goes into the carb, crank the engine over (plug wires disconnected) and fuel should pump out that line.
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42 c.i. oppy carb Empty
PostSubject: Re: 42 c.i. oppy carb   42 c.i. oppy carb Icon_minitimeMarch 28th 2015, 9:55 pm

Ya, the pump definantly wirks. I drove it to my friends house and back today. Ironicly both plugs died at the same time on the way back. It may very well have a air leak at one of the gaskets. Ill check that tommorow.hope fully if thats the problem i can make gaskets outta a creal box.
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802 Customs
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42 c.i. oppy carb Empty
PostSubject: Re: 42 c.i. oppy carb   42 c.i. oppy carb Icon_minitimeMarch 28th 2015, 10:39 pm

crafsmankiller wrote:
Ya, the pump definantly wirks. I drove it to my friends house and back today.  Ironicly both plugs died at the same time on the way back. It may very well have a air leak at one of the gaskets. Ill check that tommorow.hope fully if thats the problem i can make gaskets outta a creal box.

I'd still throw some RTV on there, I always do with intake gaskets.
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42 c.i. oppy carb Empty
PostSubject: Re: 42 c.i. oppy carb   42 c.i. oppy carb Icon_minitimeMarch 28th 2015, 10:48 pm

Alright. Ill have to find some but ill do that
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42 c.i. oppy carb Empty
PostSubject: Re: 42 c.i. oppy carb   42 c.i. oppy carb Icon_minitimeMarch 29th 2015, 11:01 am

Was it just trickling out of the fuel line or coming out pretty good? Definitly a +1 on the gasket sealer if that fails try bumping up to one carb larger or a different carb
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802 Customs
802 Customs

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42 c.i. oppy carb Empty
PostSubject: Re: 42 c.i. oppy carb   42 c.i. oppy carb Icon_minitimeMarch 29th 2015, 11:10 am

Moose wrote:
Was it just trickling out of the fuel line or coming out pretty good?

+1 on this as well, you want a pretty good burst of fuel coming out the line per revolution of the engine. If you really want to know how it's working pull off the line while it's running. You should get a pretty solid spray.
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42 c.i. oppy carb Empty
PostSubject: Re: 42 c.i. oppy carb   42 c.i. oppy carb Icon_minitimeMarch 29th 2015, 8:48 pm

802 Customs wrote:
Moose wrote:
Was it just trickling out of the fuel line or coming out pretty good?

+1 on this as well, you want a pretty good burst of fuel coming out the line per revolution of the engine. If you really want to know how it's working pull off the line while it's running. You should get a pretty solid spray.

It a oppy, so the pumps on the carb, but it does have plenty of fuel flow..

Today i put some carb cleaner in the gas and it idles pretty good without choke.

Thanks for the help yall.
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42 c.i. oppy carb Empty
PostSubject: Re: 42 c.i. oppy carb   42 c.i. oppy carb Icon_minitime

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