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 A project I'm doing for school NEED.....Diesels and America

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A project I'm doing for school NEED.....Diesels and America Empty
PostSubject: A project I'm doing for school NEED.....Diesels and America   A project I'm doing for school NEED.....Diesels and America Icon_minitimeMarch 29th 2015, 12:41 pm

ok so my school has Sophomore and Senior projects that include me having to do research on a topic and then present it to a board of teachers. My project focuses on Diesel Power, and how it affects America, why it should be more mainstream, and how it can help reduce the fuel consumption.
I have my project mostly done. What I would like is your guyses opinions, I know some of you are diesel guys, and I feel like a couple of opinions would help me edit my 10 page paper and make my power point logical and unbias.

Thanks in advance
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A project I'm doing for school NEED.....Diesels and America Empty
PostSubject: Re: A project I'm doing for school NEED.....Diesels and America   A project I'm doing for school NEED.....Diesels and America Icon_minitimeMarch 29th 2015, 2:12 pm

Well one could argue that diesels are becoming more mainstream with the new dodge 1500 with the diesel and the new midsize trucks that have the diesel. VW has had the diesel jetta for a while now and of course there is the pickups that have had them since the beginning of time. I will admit I am pretty bias towards diesel mostly for the torque and fuel economy vs larger gas engines, I think one of the better examples would be a 6.7 cummins vs a 6.0 LS1 roughly the same dispacment pretty neat engines.

The LS1 will suck your tank dry at around 7 mpg towing a trailer the cummins doesnt get amazing mileage but it sips a bit better than the LS1 running around 10 mpg. This is why semis run diesel not to mention they can run the engines through a lower rpm because the diesel produces peak torque at a lower rpm.

The lower rpm torque has gained the interest of hot rodders everywhere and we are starting to see suped up diesels in muscle cars and even a dragstrer or two. So that really supports the diesel going mainstream.

Now the cons... The diesels burn dirty, where gas engines produce co2 and water diesels produce soot and some other pretty heavy chemicals you are burning a less refined oil so there are still some pretty nastys in there. So in order to make it a cleaner burning fuel there are two things you can do: run biofuel (this is not in fact a con but a huge plus seeing as I havent seen a gasoline alternative that burns in a gas engine) the con is using the blue def fluids to clean up the exhaust I still do not understand this system so to me its just pouring unicorn piss in your truck to make it shoot unicorn farts out the tailpipe?! As I see it the world would be a better place if everyone ran diesels and burned the biofuels sure there would be less roll coal or roll tide but hey torque is TORQUE! (mister torgue moment)

This goes for small engines too at some point Im gonna try biodiesel in the massey and if it works Ill mix peanut oil in at certain ratios till it either wont run or pops the top.
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Age : 25
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PostSubject: Re: A project I'm doing for school NEED.....Diesels and America   A project I'm doing for school NEED.....Diesels and America Icon_minitimeMarch 29th 2015, 3:12 pm

That is the exact argument I am trying to convey, the idea that diesel has the opportunity to burn cleaner. DEFs and DPFs are becoming more common so that manufacturers can get past the governments emission laws. Since diesels produce more nitrous oxide
The fact that when diesel prices goes up, then the prices in stores goes up should be an eye opener for consumers. People should recognize that diesel is a huge and simpler fuel source. Diesel fuel itself is cruder, it takes less refining to process, so there for it is cheaper to make. Diesel may have a place in our economy the future. Right now, the use of diesel cars in the U.S. would not be 100% economical. The average diesel price in the U.S. is $3.87 and the average price of gas is $2.60. The average diesel car costs about $7,000 more than its gas powered alternative. This all may not so sound good, but when you look at the European countries that use fuel on a daily basis to power their cars, you can see that the diesel car is actually the European’s cheap alternative fuel source. In Germany, diesel is cheaper than gas. The average savings per mile is eight cents, where diesel only saves people in the U.S. one cent per mile. There’s still savings in this, but when the diesel cars cost more, the driver of the diesel car will have to drive more distance to have saved money with the car’s fuel efficiency versus him or her just buying a gas powered car. If the driver drives fewer miles, then the extra starting cost when buying a diesel won’t be to any benefit the driver. This means that you would have to own a diesel car long enough to put the miles on it in order to have the price per mile and initial cost be practical to the owner of the car. The American market has to change in the fact that we need diesels to be cheaper than what they are now...............small excerpt from my paper
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PostSubject: Re: A project I'm doing for school NEED.....Diesels and America   A project I'm doing for school NEED.....Diesels and America Icon_minitime

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