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 Stack Idea for diesels?

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Ariens YT11
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Stack Idea for diesels? Empty
PostSubject: Stack Idea for diesels?   Stack Idea for diesels? Icon_minitimeNovember 25th 2013, 5:20 pm

Hey guys I was wondering, is it smart to use 4" Aluminum Irrigation pipe as a exhaust stack on a diesel truck? I've seen/heard people using copper tubing for stacks on diesels, I did some looking and aluminum melts at 1221* F and the exhaust on my dads truck only gets to 1,250MAX at the pyro on the down pipe after the turbo at WOT pulling a 25,000lbs trailer up a grade. going 60+mph. now I can tell you the exhaust pipe underneath the truck only gets to 1,000* F before the gutted converter and about 800* F at the side pipe on it right now.

Now that said My dad IS NOT going to put it through the bed, only outside it on the passenger side front corner of the bed. how tall should it be since we have a fithwheel camper and a 28' goose-neck flatbed trailer? the camper isn't used much so no worries about getting it black because it is far enough from the excessive amount of smoke it makes when the HPOP and turbo up-pipes is working like they should.

And if you got a truck Gas or Diesel With a stack feel free to post here.
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Stack Idea for diesels? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stack Idea for diesels?   Stack Idea for diesels? Icon_minitimeNovember 25th 2013, 5:26 pm

I wouldnt. Thats just me though, im not a scientist. I just wouldnt trust it.

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Stack Idea for diesels? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stack Idea for diesels?   Stack Idea for diesels? Icon_minitimeNovember 25th 2013, 5:57 pm

no.. bad idea. aluminum admits toxic fumes when heated. plus its pretty thin, and aluminum has a low melting point, which means that it could deform. just get some steel pipe and paint it black-hi temp paint
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Ariens YT11
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Stack Idea for diesels? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stack Idea for diesels?   Stack Idea for diesels? Icon_minitimeNovember 25th 2013, 6:18 pm

willis923 wrote:
no.. bad idea. aluminum admits toxic fumes when heated. plus its pretty thin, and aluminum has a low melting point, which means that it could deform. just get some steel pipe and paint it black-hi temp paint
Willis From where I'm from ECO people in office consider Diesels the Devils brother because they are Heaping toxic black smoke emitters, AKA Washington State. so we are not at all worried about it. Like I said Aluminum has a melting point of 1221* F the exhaust only gets to 400-900* F at running temps around town and running WOT on the freeway up a grade so its not going to deform.
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PostSubject: Re: Stack Idea for diesels?   Stack Idea for diesels? Icon_minitimeNovember 25th 2013, 6:41 pm

I'm about 99.9999% certain that AL does not emit toxic fumes, unless heated to a point WELL beyond "normal", beyond the melting point even. Generating fumes from actually burning it MIGHT be another story, but if I'm wrong, y'all better put away your aluminum pots and pans...

As for the exhaust system- there has GOT to be a good reason we NEVER see aluminum exhaust pipes.
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Stack Idea for diesels? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stack Idea for diesels?   Stack Idea for diesels? Icon_minitimeNovember 25th 2013, 6:54 pm

my mistake doc.. i was assumeing. since its irrigation pipe, and is exposed to the elements, i figured its galvanized. which WILL emit noxious fumes.. either way, like you said. there is a reason we dont see aluminum exhaust
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Ariens YT11
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Stack Idea for diesels? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stack Idea for diesels?   Stack Idea for diesels? Icon_minitimeNovember 25th 2013, 9:26 pm

I've seen them before they have a different noise to them, Like have you guys seen Square tubing used as a Exhaust pipe/stack? or a headache rack on a truck used as a Exhaust system?
And the High Quality Stainless steel used on Diesel Exhaust's is mostly Aluminium. 30% Stainless and 70% AL,
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Stack Idea for diesels? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stack Idea for diesels?   Stack Idea for diesels? Icon_minitimeNovember 26th 2013, 8:57 am

Theres a difference between high grade aluminum and the stuff they use for irrigation.

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Stack Idea for diesels? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stack Idea for diesels?   Stack Idea for diesels? Icon_minitimeNovember 26th 2013, 9:15 am

I know....... I looked and its a higher quality irrigation pipe, its the same thickness of electrical Conduit that I have.
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PostSubject: Re: Stack Idea for diesels?   Stack Idea for diesels? Icon_minitimeNovember 26th 2013, 11:18 am

Guys there's 50 million types of aluminium.. And I think all metal and alloys contain stuff that's not good for us. If not the fumes from the metal kill you, the diesel exhaust will sooner or later. So nothing to worry about there.

6061 and 6082 aluminum is a so called Aircraft grade alloy higher melting point, and higher tensile strenght.

But I say go for a steel one or a stainless steel one.
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Ariens YT11
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Stack Idea for diesels? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stack Idea for diesels?   Stack Idea for diesels? Icon_minitimeNovember 26th 2013, 12:28 pm

thanks TD! today I went to town, looking for a 8' long peice of 4" tubing and the two 90* elbows for exhaust is $100+, Stainless was about $150, might as well put the POS muffler back on and get 8mpg vs, straight pipe and get 15mpg
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Stack Idea for diesels? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stack Idea for diesels?   Stack Idea for diesels? Icon_minitimeNovember 27th 2013, 8:08 pm

Hey man, Try what I'm, doing. I put a wanted ad on CL for diesel exhaust pipe and stated the size I was looking for. Usually there are guys looking rid a stock system after a custom job. I got a response the next day. I'm just collecting exhaust pipe till I have enough to fabricate a system. Many will give it away free, or, in my case, trade it in the equal weight of scrap metal, which I was looking to rid anyway. Ya never know. Here is my idea.
Stack Idea for diesels? DSC_0440stacks_zps815e6dce
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Stack Idea for diesels? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stack Idea for diesels?   Stack Idea for diesels? Icon_minitimeNovember 27th 2013, 10:31 pm

OK, Thanks TMJ That may just work.
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