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 Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower

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Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Empty
PostSubject: Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitimeApril 1st 2015, 8:33 pm

Hey guys
this is my first mower build and I am really looking forward to it. I have a Murray 12/38 that I plan on using. Right now a pair of 22x10x8 Duro Red Eagle tires are in the works should have them by tomorrow. I have painted the mower from its original red to a satin hunters green.
tell me if you guys have any ideas, or like how it looks. I know i still have a few spots to touch up but whatever.

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0114

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0115

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0117

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0118

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0119

Last edited by thewisconsinredneck5160 on August 30th 2015, 4:54 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitimeApril 1st 2015, 8:39 pm

thewisconsinredneck5160 wrote:
Hey guys
this is my first mower build and I am really looking forward to it. I have a Murray 12/38 that I plan on using. Right now a pair of 22x10x8 Duro Red Eagle tires are in the works should have them by tomorrow. I have painted the mower from its original red to a satin hunters green.
tell me if you guys have any ideas.

Do you have any photos of your tractor?
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Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitimeApril 2nd 2015, 7:33 pm

so I got my tires today, put them on, and was surprised by how much faster the darn thing went. I was expecting it to go faster, but it was going probably around 4ish mph more than before.
Anyways now im having transmission problems. I think the shiftier bearings got knocked out of place or something and the shiftier is really sloppy and sometimes when it is in neutral it stays in either reverse or 1st gear which is annoying, and i have to cycle around to get to actually be in neutral.
If anybody has any Ideas let me know

here is some pictures with the new tires

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0120

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0121

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0123

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0125

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0124

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0126
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PostSubject: bad news for the engine   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitimeApril 6th 2015, 9:02 pm

so the connecting rod broke when I was doing doughnuts with my neighbor and I had to take off the head and pulled out the piston and got all the stuff out and now have to find a new rod for a 12 hp Briggs powerbuilt, around 94ish I think.
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PostSubject: Re: Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitimeApril 19th 2015, 5:56 pm

so I got the connecting rod but I cant get the flywheel off for now cause I don't have a puller. Cant wait to get it running again and have some fun. Very Happy
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Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Empty
PostSubject: murray lawn tractor   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitimeApril 19th 2015, 11:16 pm

i have the same year murray but it has a side shifter il show you my light grill conversion, too bad you have the shifter in the center , i have a radio there and i have a air dixie horn ware your shifter is. il post pics later wen the wether gets better. thanks upnorthkid Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_smile
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Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitimeApril 23rd 2015, 6:21 pm

Hey upnorthkid Id love to see your pics, cause Im going to start working on my lights soon. How well does the radio wok with the engine noise? And maybe once i get my tractor working again we can go romping sometime:D
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Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitimeApril 23rd 2015, 6:26 pm

so I started working on my engine at my school, and as it turns out i didn't need to take the flywheel off and just needed to crack open the bottom  Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower 2429134702 and pull out the camshaft and all of that stuff. So I bought a new head gasket and a new crankcase gasket and a piston pin cause I lost that. The parts should be getting here on the 29th so if all goes according to plan it should be running by the end of the month. Very Happy

Oh and I noticed my mower is a closet mopar No Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0127
Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower IKwfHU7rXE+f0cIlKYG5S0OUffE9e2qSqKy+udVxTngc3+ABV3Qr968p69AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC

Last edited by thewisconsinredneck5160 on April 23rd 2015, 7:57 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Empty
PostSubject: murray   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitimeApril 23rd 2015, 6:54 pm

hi i will do a video on the headlight mod. hope to get it on this weekend don't know because i have a cold Crying or Very sad   but i won't let that stop me.Very Happy  i will have some more videos up soon.  now the radio works on headphones, no speakers on this one, but i will have a radio and speakers on my build off project. Very Happy    if you have any questions on my mod let me know.   the lights i got on amazon, they were 15$ with free shipping. they are 12V 6in Kawall led lights.   thanks     upnorthkid
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PostSubject: Re: Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitimeApril 23rd 2015, 7:03 pm

cool thanks for the info il look into it and hope your cold gets better Smile
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Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitimeMay 24th 2015, 9:33 pm

so still not working, the engine is being weird, when i torque the bolts to the conecting rod to spec it wont budge at all so im not shure whats going on there. So I'm either gonna buy an oposed twin or I'm gonna Jerry rig it up and run it untill it breaks
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Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitimeJune 10th 2015, 8:14 pm

so I rigged up a gas pedal but its not hooked up yet and doesn't have a return spring. [img]
new gas pedal
Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0210[/img]

front wheels and tires, tires are not permanent
[img]Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0211[/img]
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Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitimeJuly 16th 2015, 5:52 pm

project is back on track with a 18 hp opposed twin i have a few parts that i need and i should be able to get it goin

Last edited by thewisconsinredneck5160 on July 26th 2015, 3:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitimeJuly 22nd 2015, 3:48 pm

So like normal I have ran into problems with my build. i have a very rough idea of what goes where and i still need to find parts, not sure if i will need a gas pump or what so more money spent on this more updates to come
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Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitimeJuly 26th 2015, 3:18 pm

Whoo! (Rick Flair style) got the 18 hp oppy running but it is obnoxiously loud when i rev it up so I got to work on that, probably something like what fearless did on his Murray. Also I have striped down the shroud and painted it gloss orange.Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower <a href=Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0410" />
Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower <a href=Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0411" />
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PostSubject: Re: Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitimeJuly 26th 2015, 4:38 pm

Nice! Can't wait to see her running!
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PostSubject: Re: Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitimeJuly 26th 2015, 6:36 pm

thanks il get some video up soon
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PostSubject: Re: Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitimeJuly 31st 2015, 3:22 pm

Here's a bit that shows it at idle and revving it up

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PostSubject: Re: Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitimeJuly 31st 2015, 10:50 pm

Yesterday I got a fuel pump in the mail from Amazon
It took me a few minutes to put it in and the writing was a breeze even for me and I have absolutely no electrical knowledge, only common sense. In the future I will need to put in a on/off switch because I have to slide it on and slide it off to power up the pump.
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PostSubject: Re: Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitimeAugust 30th 2015, 12:06 pm

OK guys and possibly girl, I have some updates and pictures.

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower <a href=Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0411" />

in this pic i started trimming the hood without the shroud on, but abandoned it when i put the shroud on.
I got the shroud on and it looks dern smexy.

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower <a href=Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0410" />

I got a pair of 4.8x8 Carlisle x tracs for the fronts. (poser shot)

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower <a href=Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0412" />

They are sweet tires and are really beefy, so they should hold up good. My
neighbor said it looks like a drag tractor, which was pretty cool.
I got a new 5 inch pulley for the front

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower <a href=Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0413" />

but I need a belt for it, and am having trouble finding a 99x1/2 inch belt for it so any help would be appreciated.
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Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitimeAugust 30th 2015, 1:31 pm

so I didn't want to cram any more stuff into one post, so i made two. here is some pics of my toolbox and my tow chain.

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower <a href=Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0414" />

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower <a href=Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0415" />

I made the holders from 6x8'' shelf brackets

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower <a href=Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0416" />

Now for the actual contents of the tool box

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower <a href=Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0417" />

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower <a href=Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0418" />

inside i have all the sockets and wrenches that i would need to do 99% of the repairs on the trail, a multi bit screw driver, zip ties, swiss army knife, sharpie, 2 screw links, lighter, ground cloth to lay on, plastic bag, garbage bag, duct tape, cotter pins, spare key, latex gloves, and a first aid kit. there enough room left on top to fit a disposable water bottle in
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PostSubject: Re: Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitimeSeptember 16th 2015, 8:40 pm

OK so I'm thinking about fuel storage, and as i don't have the means to weld up a rack so I'm thinking of alternative method, like a secondary fuel tank hooked up to the main one or 16oz aluminium bottles files with gas. Let me know what ya think about my ideas
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PostSubject: Re: Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitimeSeptember 16th 2015, 11:53 pm

I like the toolbox. For fuel tanks maybe you could mount one on the front of the frame with more shelf brackets. On finding a belt have you looked online or at local stores? I belive you could find one online, or a hardware store could order you one.
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PostSubject: Re: Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitimeSeptember 17th 2015, 12:03 pm

take a look at my thread, the rack i built is all just cut and bolted. the parts that are welded are for the hitch, the rest of it is simply bolted together and bolted to the frame. Mine's sized for a 2.5gal gas can, but you could definitely use a smaller can and fit a tool box.

If you want to keep yours, you could fit a small auxiliary gas can or 2 inside the tool box. If you wanted to get fancy, you can pick up backpacking stove canisters that have hoses, fittings and a regulator coming off the cap, and route that to your gas tank or to a T-fitting in line with your fuel line.

I don't like the idea of putting a gas can on the front. if anything, at that point I'd put the tool box out front and a gas can behind. That's just me though, I don't want a gas can in a spot with a high impact risk.

On a side note, the plastics used in laundry detergent bottles is the same as that used for gas cans, so if you need a cheap gas can, just save a couple laundry detergent bottles.
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PostSubject: Re: Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitimeNovember 3rd 2015, 7:20 pm

ive been working on a bumper, but still need to weld it up:

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0419[/url][/img]

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower <a href=Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0420" />

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower <a href=Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0421" />Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower <a href=Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0510" />
Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower <a href=Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0518" />Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower <a href=Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0519" />
Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower <a href=Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0511" />

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower <a href=Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0512" />

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower <a href=Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0513" />

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower <a href=Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0514" />

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower <a href=Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0515" />

Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower <a href=Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Rimg0516" />
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Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower   Murray "Green Machine" Mud Mower Icon_minitime

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