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 atv tractor vs sportsman atp atv

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2015 Build-Off Entrant
2015 Build-Off Entrant

Age : 24
Join date : 2014-05-11
Points : 3941
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Location : Land 'O' Lakes WI

atv tractor vs sportsman atp atv Empty
PostSubject: atv tractor vs sportsman atp atv   atv tractor vs sportsman atp atv Icon_minitimeMay 29th 2015, 10:58 pm

Yes it the age old question can a lawn mower out romp / off road a atv?  i say yes  i tested a arrons rm830e lawn mower with stock drive and gearing and it dominates the terrain . now the atp has the same clearance at the lawn mower, all testing with the atp was in turff mode wich unlocks the axil. i will be posting some videos soon. thanks        upnorthkid
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atv tractor vs sportsman atp atv
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