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 2001 murray widebody (the MURDY)

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2001 murray widebody (the MURDY) Empty
PostSubject: 2001 murray widebody (the MURDY)   2001 murray widebody (the MURDY) Icon_minitimeNovember 7th 2015, 1:23 pm

Hey fellow mudders. This is my old wide body that i am in the process of building. Nothing special really. stock 6 speed still unlocked for now. Still running stock pulleys but soon to get a 3 inch on the transaxle. Leaving stock 3 inch on motor. Currently it has a freshly rebuilt 8HP Briggs pushing it. Not a power house but it does turn the 25s pretty good. Once i do the pulley swap if it proves to be to under-powered i have a 18 OPPY in the shop. Rear tires are 25x12-9 and the front are 20x7-8. First pic is when I first put the 8hp on it. second pic is with the stock rear 18s in the front, learned it didn't like to turn on wet grass, and the final 2 pics are with the new 22s on the steers. The next step is brakes and pulley swap.

2001 murray widebody (the MURDY) 12096335_10207961008089285_5379916564150307531_n

2001 murray widebody (the MURDY) 12189054_10208049375418413_1865706579205134750_n

2001 murray widebody (the MURDY) 12208830_10208097572463309_5339046734083956574_n

2001 murray widebody (the MURDY) 12193480_10208097572183302_5952225106753940887_n
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2001 murray widebody (the MURDY) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2001 murray widebody (the MURDY)   2001 murray widebody (the MURDY) Icon_minitimeNovember 8th 2015, 2:58 am

Looking good man.. I think the 8Hp would do, but it depends on what you want to do with it / Where you want to go. the 18 Oppy is allways good to have ready to swap in. Im not sure if you can just put the 18hp in the same mounting hole as the 8Hp uses, or do you have to modify something to make it fit? i have a 6.5 Hp on my racer.. but I would like to put a 12,5Hp in it, but Im not sure if it will fit.

If you plan to keep the 8hp, you need to experiment with the pulleys, but they say you can not have enough HP on a mudder. Test and see what you are confortable with..


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2001 murray widebody (the MURDY) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2001 murray widebody (the MURDY)   2001 murray widebody (the MURDY) Icon_minitimeNovember 8th 2015, 4:23 pm

New lights in the mower, not as bright as I had hoped but a lot brighter then the stock bulbs.

2001 murray widebody (the MURDY) 12208577_10208117143912583_1035502126982760122_n
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PostSubject: Re: 2001 murray widebody (the MURDY)   2001 murray widebody (the MURDY) Icon_minitime

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2001 murray widebody (the MURDY)
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