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 Pick up lawn tractor

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PostSubject: Pick up lawn tractor   Pick up lawn tractor Icon_minitimeMarch 21st 2010, 9:13 pm

here is a couple photos of my friends tractor . We think its a dynamark from 1971. Its a really tractor. Well probably restore it and hell get another one to mud.

Pick up lawn tractor 26147_104038492961967_1000006744937

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Pick up lawn tractor 26147_104035962962220_1000006744937

Hell probably join and keep you updated
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PostSubject: Re: Pick up lawn tractor   Pick up lawn tractor Icon_minitimeMarch 21st 2010, 9:52 pm

how much did he pay for it? and does it run and drive?
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PostSubject: Re: Pick up lawn tractor   Pick up lawn tractor Icon_minitimeMarch 21st 2010, 10:06 pm

the scrap yard charges 40$ a tractor(pretty good) and the motor does not run but the tranny works. The motor has potential to run. all in you piese and good comression
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PostSubject: Re: Pick up lawn tractor   Pick up lawn tractor Icon_minitimeMarch 21st 2010, 10:22 pm

man he got a steal on that
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PostSubject: Re: Pick up lawn tractor   Pick up lawn tractor Icon_minitimeMarch 22nd 2010, 1:01 pm

$40 was a bargain! That thing is pretty rare. Was this the one you were gonna mod? Glad you didnt.
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PostSubject: Re: Pick up lawn tractor   Pick up lawn tractor Icon_minitimeMarch 22nd 2010, 5:59 pm

Hard to tell if that was the original color - definitly worth restoring. I bet all painted up and those chrome hubcaps would make it look sharp!
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PostSubject: Re: Pick up lawn tractor   Pick up lawn tractor Icon_minitimeMarch 22nd 2010, 6:37 pm

there is like 6 coats of different colors
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PostSubject: Re: Pick up lawn tractor   Pick up lawn tractor Icon_minitimeMarch 22nd 2010, 7:19 pm

arild365 wrote:
there is like 6 coats of different colors

Wow... more paint then metal! Cool rig! I guess i'm the only one here who would tell you to mod the crap out of it! Twisted Evil Maybe it's just me... But I think it would look baddass on some big ass tires! Plus you could put all your stuff in the back... It's like it was made for off-roading!

But do what YOU want to, it's your tractor!
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PostSubject: Re: Pick up lawn tractor   Pick up lawn tractor Icon_minitimeMarch 22nd 2010, 7:39 pm

i was thinking about it and im with feerless on this one, it would look so cool modded and blacked out
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PostSubject: Re: Pick up lawn tractor   Pick up lawn tractor Icon_minitimeMarch 22nd 2010, 10:03 pm

Sounds like the paint on my 99 weedeater tractor ( call it a craftsman ) - PO slapped so much paint on there it wasnt funny - had to be at LEAST 6 layers of different colors - i hand sanded it all to smooth the paint somewhat n used .99 cent paint - for cheep paint its holding up real well actually - better then the $5 cans i bot for my 86 GT II ( which sometime will get a proper repaint) . I was going to fix the deep dents on the weedeater- but im like " screw it- im using it to mow with"- so painted over the dents.

So y dont regret it in the future- make mods that arent permenent and can go back to normal. Me- i still would like to make my own custom bed for one of my dynamarks or other tractors - similar in style - some year when im out of things to do.....
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PostSubject: Re: Pick up lawn tractor   Pick up lawn tractor Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2010, 2:41 pm

As much as I hate to say it, it would be awesome to mod, although it would be a shame. I agree with dangeroustoys, if you mod it, dont do anything extreme. It's not gonna hurt it with a tranny mod, bigger tyres and different paint. Maybe a brush gurad you could bolt to the frame. That kinda thing. Cant wait to see more though!
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PostSubject: Re: Pick up lawn tractor   Pick up lawn tractor Icon_minitimeMarch 25th 2010, 7:34 pm

Wow i've thought about one of those alot,didn't know they really made them!!!!

Yeah i'd mod the hell out of it
4 Wheeler tires...pulley mods...paint...brush guard...all the way =D
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PostSubject: Re: Pick up lawn tractor   Pick up lawn tractor Icon_minitimeMarch 25th 2010, 8:11 pm

any updates?
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PostSubject: Re: Pick up lawn tractor   Pick up lawn tractor Icon_minitimeMarch 25th 2010, 8:23 pm

well il havta get my friend to start updateing you guys but hes tearing it down and sanding it and repainting it. I think hes going to do what you guys suggested, mild modding like tires painting and not too much modding on the frame like takable offable stuff Razz il get him to post some pics
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PostSubject: Re: Pick up lawn tractor   Pick up lawn tractor Icon_minitimeMarch 25th 2010, 8:24 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Pick up lawn tractor   Pick up lawn tractor Icon_minitimeMarch 25th 2010, 8:26 pm

sorry i cant give u any more

oh yah hes thinkin of getting a new motor for it and getting the old one resstored for if hes gonna restore the frame and sell it so yah thats about it
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PostSubject: Re: Pick up lawn tractor   Pick up lawn tractor Icon_minitimeMarch 26th 2010, 3:30 am

Glad to hear its not gonna get chopped up and stuff. What motor is he planning on getting? V-twin would be awesome!

ONly just noticed it has hubcaps too!
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PostSubject: Re: Pick up lawn tractor   Pick up lawn tractor Icon_minitimeMarch 26th 2010, 9:42 am

yah there nice eh? well havta take em offand get all the dents out of them. i looked at them and they seem to be able to fit on any stock mower tires.

for a motor, not too sure yet but nothing to fancy and expencive. just somthing to get it going. Im actally looking at a 21 hp Vtwin overhead valve for torque(my machine). Its a huge thing!
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PostSubject: Re: Pick up lawn tractor   Pick up lawn tractor Icon_minitimeMarch 26th 2010, 10:19 am

the only problem with those twin cylinder engines is that they suck gas up like no other
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PostSubject: Re: Pick up lawn tractor   Pick up lawn tractor Icon_minitimeMarch 26th 2010, 2:27 pm

I cant vouch for v twins on how much gas they use ( they should run leaner - not always a good thing) - having 6 opposed twins , mine seem to use a normal amount - nothing excessive - even that one i had on the mod murray didnt use a whole lot of gas .

Id rather have more power then economy - its there if you need it- revving the heck out of a small motor will basically use more gas then a twin . Best bet trail riding is to haul a trailer with extra stuff (extra parts and including a gas can- throw a cooler in there as well) .
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PostSubject: Re: Pick up lawn tractor   Pick up lawn tractor Icon_minitimeMarch 26th 2010, 3:36 pm

Only one of my oppsed twins work. I feel it runs rich, although not noticably. Uses alto of gas though. Nothing to compare with.
The v-twins shouldnt use too much, the OHV motors are effiecent, and if you get a ~20hp one I should imagine the extra gas (idk how much extra) it would use over a single would be worth the extra power and torque. And they sound awesome!

'TORQUE' would be nice with a v twin monster. I'd like one for my mudder, my big MTd (to be recovoery type thing) will be okay with an opposed, as it wont be taking too far from home.

cant wait to see what engine you get
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PostSubject: Re: Pick up lawn tractor   Pick up lawn tractor Icon_minitimeMarch 26th 2010, 5:51 pm

A good example of power- my murray with a 14.5 OHV briggs WOT ( and i had it WOT and in 6th )wasnt near as fast as my murray with the 18.5 opposed on it at barely half throttle, had power to spare( 4th gear less then half throttle).
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PostSubject: Re: Pick up lawn tractor   Pick up lawn tractor Icon_minitimeMarch 26th 2010, 6:56 pm

My 12.5 horse is a great motor and actually has alot of power. It also runs like new. But i love to have alota torque cause it always there if you need it. I really dont care about economy. Id probably put the 12.5 into the viking and buy a vtwin for TORQUE
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PostSubject: Re: Pick up lawn tractor   Pick up lawn tractor Icon_minitimeMarch 26th 2010, 8:51 pm

The 2 singles we run get great fuel mileage. I've never come close to running out on a trip. The twin however, you could look down the intake while it was running and see the gas going in.... pale
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PostSubject: Re: Pick up lawn tractor   Pick up lawn tractor Icon_minitimeMarch 26th 2010, 9:35 pm

Ill probably be able to run for a week or more with the lil 5HP honda on the wizzard then- LOL!
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