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 Walbro LMT Chinese copy carbs, any good?

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Walbro LMT Chinese copy carbs, any good? Empty
PostSubject: Walbro LMT Chinese copy carbs, any good?   Walbro LMT Chinese copy carbs, any good? Icon_minitimeJuly 11th 2018, 1:31 pm

Strated gettng to grips with a cheap Murray mower I got recently, its had no maintenance for some time, so started the basics, chamged the air filter, spark plug, drained the sludge (oil) stripped the carb as it leaked constantly and the main jet will not come out, PO has wrecked the driver slot amd it is solid in there, past ditch effort later, Ill heat it with a soldering iron and see if I can release it, but mot too I giess I'll have to replace the carb.....its a Walbro LMT 5-4993 All I can find are copies from China for about £15 and one from a Briggs parts dealer for £80, the old cynic in me suspects the dealer is selling the Chinese ones at a huge markup (?) as I cant find another source.....

So, are the Chinese carbs any good? I'm struggling to find anything else this side of the pond, not even a used one to take a chance on rebuilding.....
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Walbro LMT Chinese copy carbs, any good? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walbro LMT Chinese copy carbs, any good?   Walbro LMT Chinese copy carbs, any good? Icon_minitimeJuly 11th 2018, 7:20 pm

I've put two chinese carb on a couple of kohler K series engines.  One leaked right off that bat.  Easy fix though I just had to drop the bowl and clean out some small metal chips from the bowl and needle valve.  I'm not sure if they were left there from the manufacturing process or came from me when I screwed in the 90 degree barbed fitting for the fuel line.
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Walbro LMT Chinese copy carbs, any good?
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