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 I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000?

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Age : 28
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I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000? Empty
PostSubject: I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000?   I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000? Icon_minitimeSat 13 Aug 2011, 11:34 pm

i was thinking of putting twin stacks with rain caps on my lt1000 and i was wondering if its a good idea. im trying to get a quad sound out of it but i need the pipes in the air because i go in 3ft+ of water so i dont need it to end up like a quad and sit in the dark for 2 hours waiting for my engine to dry out. i was thinking more of a 700 praire or a 700 brute force kind of sound.
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I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000? Empty
PostSubject: Re: I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000?   I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000? Icon_minitimeSat 13 Aug 2011, 11:38 pm

Don't forget to get the intake up high enough too! Razz
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I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000? Empty
PostSubject: Re: I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000?   I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000? Icon_minitimeSat 13 Aug 2011, 11:50 pm

yea im trying to figure out a plan for the snorkel but im really stumped on it. Theres no place for me to put a coupling on.
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I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000? Empty
PostSubject: Re: I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000?   I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000? Icon_minitimeSat 13 Aug 2011, 11:51 pm

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I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000? Empty
PostSubject: Re: I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000?   I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000? Icon_minitimeSun 14 Aug 2011, 4:04 pm

Most exhausts are built from black steel pipe/cast fittings - exhaust tubing could also be used. The stacks would need to be anchored/reinforced to keep from cracking the block.

Intake could be hooked up with a short piece of either radiator hose or flex plumbing connector ( rubber with 2 clamps on it) - id suggest walking thru your local hardware/home improvement store and seeing what would work.
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Age : 28
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I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000? Empty
PostSubject: Re: I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000?   I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000? Icon_minitimeSun 14 Aug 2011, 7:12 pm

i was gonna put a universal pipe to bring off the engine then bring the pipe into the exsisting hole for the exheat and spit iit in there and then bring it back out and run it along the frame to where the hood opens on the sides and bring it up about 3ft or so
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Age : 28
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I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000? Empty
PostSubject: Re: I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000?   I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000? Icon_minitimeWed 17 Aug 2011, 2:41 am

Do you think exhuast wrap will keep the stacks cooler because at most id be running the engine for 5-10hours with maybe a 15-30min break here and there for beer haha i dont drink but my group likes to enjoy yhe time oh and anything else i should worry about overheating?
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I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000? Empty
PostSubject: Re: I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000?   I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000? Icon_minitime

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I was wondering if its a good idea to put on Twin stack on lt1000?
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