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 1964 Simplicity Landlord

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1964 Simplicity Landlord Empty
PostSubject: 1964 Simplicity Landlord   1964 Simplicity Landlord Icon_minitimeSeptember 4th 2011, 10:10 am

Picked this beauty up on Saturday.

1964 Simplicity Landlord IMAG0689

1964 Simplicity Landlord IMAG0690

1964 Simplicity Landlord IMAG0692

From what found out it's a 1964 Simplicity Landlord. Its got hydraulics on the back, a very solid deck, and a snow-blower attachment. The motor, steering, and deck is froze but with a little time, heat, and PB Blaster I'm sure I can get it all freed up.

Im planing to restore this machine, I hate seeing this old iron rot away like this but now its mine and I have big plans for it. Smile
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1964 Simplicity Landlord Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1964 Simplicity Landlord   1964 Simplicity Landlord Icon_minitimeSeptember 4th 2011, 10:11 am

loooks like a nice machine
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1964 Simplicity Landlord Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1964 Simplicity Landlord   1964 Simplicity Landlord Icon_minitimeSeptember 4th 2011, 6:10 pm

Nice - itll take some work and be a good machine.

I have a 69 broadmoor - got it free with my 95 MTD lowes machine - sat for 20 years in the guys barn with the motor half taken apart. I used a couple MTD wheels on the front- original fronts were all rotten.

I cleaned it up, swapped a newer 10HP briggs on it- i sorta regret painting it actually - things dont fit like before. My nephew said i should make a mod from it , but im like " Na - its staying a mower" . I had some minor issues with the belts comming off, i welded a couple retaining bolts underneath and forgot to check the clutch adjustment, belt wasnt engaging - tweeked the adjustment and works perfect.

All i need to do now is make a couple retainers for the engagement pulleys on the front.
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1964 Simplicity Landlord Empty
PostSubject: 1964 Simplicity Landlord   1964 Simplicity Landlord Icon_minitimeSeptember 4th 2011, 11:44 pm

I have a '72 and a '74 gilson... copies of the old simps, a carry over from the early montgomery wards tractors. same basic frame and a hydro tranny . weighted right they will out pull a 1200# lgt 195 ford. bad ass little tractors. gear drive are a little weaker because of the belt drive, but still tough tractors
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Age : 47
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1964 Simplicity Landlord Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1964 Simplicity Landlord   1964 Simplicity Landlord Icon_minitimeSeptember 10th 2011, 1:56 pm

Anybody have some tricks to unfreeze a motor that has been sitting for unknown number of years? I have been spraying PB blaster down the spark plug hole for a few days now and still doesn't want to budge. I really don't want to tear into this old motor, but I am afraid I may not have much choice.
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1964 Simplicity Landlord Empty
PostSubject: 1964 Simplicity Landlord   1964 Simplicity Landlord Icon_minitimeSeptember 10th 2011, 4:06 pm

if you have an air compressor, you can make an adapter togo in the spark plug hole to force the PB down past the rings. but this only works if the valves are closed. ( they usually dont get stuck like that)

you can jack up the back end and take a tire off. then wedge a pipe or T post between the wheel studs. put it in gear and rope the pipe to the front axle. tighten the rope every few hours and ad more pb (diesel fuel works good too and is alot cheaper) you will need to change the oil when it loosens up. I have done this to 4 cylinder tractors and it usually works

a strap wrench on the PTO pulley works good too. you will need a hot battery if you have an electric PTO.

sometimes pulling them with a 4 wheeler or tractor will work. you will need to add weight or the back wheels will slide. get going 10 or 15 mph and dump the clutch in high gear. this will work but puts alot of stress on the rods.

the best way that I know of is pulling the head. that way you can oil the valve stems too. they are bad about seizing and oiling through the spark plug hole will not help unless you fill the cylinder up. after it soaks for a day or two, put a piece of 2x4 on the piston and smack it with a hammer. head gaskets are cheap and it might be a good idea to pull the head anyway just to check out the piston and cylinder wall. valves probably will need cleaned up and lapped too
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1964 Simplicity Landlord Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1964 Simplicity Landlord   1964 Simplicity Landlord Icon_minitime

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1964 Simplicity Landlord
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