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 Mud machine turned into snow plow

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Age : 42
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Location : West Salem, Ohio

Mud machine turned into snow plow Empty
PostSubject: Mud machine turned into snow plow   Mud machine turned into snow plow Icon_minitimeNovember 16th 2019, 11:39 pm

Well this one was going to be a mud machine but I needed to make a dirt Pusher out of it for my dad to fix a botched septic tank install on the landscape of his property. Worked so good doing it I decided to use it instead Mud machine turned into snow plow Kimg0317
Mud machine turned into snow plow Kimg0318

of my snow thrower this Winter.
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Mud machine turned into snow plow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mud machine turned into snow plow   Mud machine turned into snow plow Icon_minitimeNovember 16th 2019, 11:59 pm

My buddy’s grandpa had one of those mtd GT ranch kings for a long time. Mowed his grass for a lot of years with it, and build a pull behind mower out of a zero turn mower frame. Ranch king with a 46 inch deck towing another 54 inch deck beside the job done quick.

That’s a Foote hi-low rear end right?
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Age : 42
Join date : 2019-02-03
Points : 2120
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Location : West Salem, Ohio

Mud machine turned into snow plow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mud machine turned into snow plow   Mud machine turned into snow plow Icon_minitimeNovember 17th 2019, 12:10 am

Yep high low rear in it. Lines to come out of high range at times but in low it's unstoppable. I didn't think it would have the traction it does. Helps I added the wheel weights but it's pushed some serious dirt that sat for a month in mounds without wheel spin. Engine on it still runs like it's new as well.
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PostSubject: Re: Mud machine turned into snow plow   Mud machine turned into snow plow Icon_minitime

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Mud machine turned into snow plow
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