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 My Red Rider Project

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PostSubject: My Red Rider Project   My Red Rider Project Icon_minitimeApril 9th 2010, 7:45 pm

I have been working on this for a little while now. Its a 11hp "wizard". Runs good. Finally decided to take some pics. I have done a few things like:
1. Put a posi rear end in it (I got from Fearless)
2. 1 inch to 2.5 inch exhaust (+20 horsepower atleast.)
3. Subaru spare's on the rear
4. Honda? or similar spares on the front
5. Quick release for the seat section.
6. A slightly larger pulley on the front.

1. Rear bumper/hitch (built not installed)
2. Front bumper (not shown, built also not installed)
3. Gas pedal and linkage (trying to rig something up at the moment)
4. Cut lip on fenders and weld small rods along the edges.
5. Get the belts figured out.
6. Clean carberator.
7. Make chains for the rear tires.
8. Make exhaust bracket

-For now I am gonna leave the front free so it can move.
-I had to make my own hubs for the rear.
-The front wheels I welded 1/4 plate over the hole, burned a hole in the center ( or close enough i think haha) and welded a pipe through the hole.
-The rear seat and what it is mounted to is held on with 2 bolts with wing nuts up front and a clevis pin on the back. Take those 3 fasteners off (about 20 seconds) and the hole thing comes off and can be easily worked on.
-Up front (as seen in the pictures) is a peice of wood screwed to the sides. I wanted to have a spot to put rope and tools. Eventually I will put some thin material on the inside so I dont here clank! clank! clank!

Thats all I can think of for now. Check out the pics. If you have any questions, comments, or ideas dont be afraid to leave some post. Thanks.

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PostSubject: Re: My Red Rider Project   My Red Rider Project Icon_minitimeApril 9th 2010, 8:17 pm


I was wondering what you were going to come up with for exaust.. Wink I like that it has the red on black theme, sort of looks like a stock car, or something you would bootleg moonshine in! lol! That quick release rear will come in handy, you won't have too drop the trans everytime you want to accses it.
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PostSubject: Re: My Red Rider Project   My Red Rider Project Icon_minitimeApril 9th 2010, 10:41 pm

Ive got a wizard just like yours- im doing a lowered 'go kart ' theme with mine tho- 6" wheels, 5HP honda motor and straight rear axle.

Your machine looks pretty cool- im surprised those wheels fit w/o really lifting it.

Im building a mild mod MTD at the moment- im having minor issues with rear belts getting chewed up - y keeping the stock drivetrain?

I like the accessable section for the back- i partially did that with mine- had no room to access stuff with everything in the way.

Just a suggestion - you might find some minor issues with the front wheels eventually- youll have to keep them greased regular ( add a zerk for now) . An update y might wanna make sometime is a bigger tube in the wheels to mount some roller berings - itll roll much easier.

Heres a link to my build- i did a gas pedal setup :

Last edited by dangeroustoys56 on April 10th 2010, 8:22 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: My Red Rider Project   My Red Rider Project Icon_minitimeApril 10th 2010, 5:14 am

Wow. I really like that quick release rear end. I want to do that with my hood. Have all the panels just unlcip or something so I can get to the engine really easy.

Its definatly looking good Cool The rear hitch is cool. But What's it for exactly? scratch

Looking forward to updates!
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PostSubject: Re: My Red Rider Project   My Red Rider Project Icon_minitimeApril 10th 2010, 8:20 am

Chunk: Could do a hood pin setup out of a few bolts - weld or bolt the bolt to the chassis- drill a hole in in the bolt then use a clip or something to hold it on- ive done that a few times.
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PostSubject: Re: My Red Rider Project   My Red Rider Project Icon_minitimeApril 10th 2010, 9:43 am

I forgot about grease fittings. Thanks. I wonder if its a bigger wheel if it will take less revolutions when going along and then slightly increased speed so maybe its close to the same beating the stock wheels were taking.

I work at a body shop and when a hitch gets bent a little we replace it. So I have three 1 inch receivers and two 2 inch receivers. I just decided to chop one up to function as a bumper, trailer hitch, and somewhere to hook onto if I get stuck. I have one road trailer and my dad has 3 so moving them around would be less difficult but its not that much of a strain to just pick it up either.

I probably am not going to do hood pins for now. Where it stands its pretty easy to access anything in the engine bay area.

The gas pedal is going to be a bitch for me because its tucked in kind of. Ill check out your video now.

It is a stock rear end. It is a 3 (forward neutral reverse) then I have the vari drive. This is the only mower I have at the moment so limited to parts. I just have a pile of metal that I keep welding on to it haha.
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PostSubject: Re: My Red Rider Project   My Red Rider Project Icon_minitime

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