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 Rolled My Mower Down a Hill

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Rolled My Mower Down a Hill Empty
PostSubject: Rolled My Mower Down a Hill   Rolled My Mower Down a Hill Icon_minitimeNovember 20th 2011, 10:04 pm

he guys friday night i took my mower trail riding out with m friends and the last hill from top to bottom is like a 60 plus foot hill with like a slight flatish spot halfe way. and i was coming down it and i made it down the flatish spot with ease, and then the 2nd half is like this really sketch coal hill and i new something bad was going to happen, it was getting dark and i was suposed to be home already and last time i went down the hill it was really scetchy. so i went over to the right more so i could get out of the one rut and get more of a straight angle at the hill, about 1/4 the way down the tractor started sliding sideways and the 25 caught the rut to the left. and and flipped it over i jumped off and luckyliy escaped death haha for like the 6th time now..... im sorry i dont have a picture up right now but i will tomorrow, the steering wheel is gone, the hood isnt bent to bad, the frame is screwed a little, and the carb is snapped off. i am not sure what else is wrong with it yet i just got back from new jersey a couple hours ago. ill take pics tomarrow and upload them
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Ford Boi
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PostSubject: Re: Rolled My Mower Down a Hill   Rolled My Mower Down a Hill Icon_minitimeNovember 21st 2011, 2:44 pm

Well that sounds shitty. Bailing at the last second is an art from in its own lol, good thing you're not hurt. Hope you can get the tractor back up and running with not too much trouble. I rolled one once at 40 mph or so, didn't cause much outer damage but actually split the transmission open. Better than broken bones though....
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PostSubject: Re: Rolled My Mower Down a Hill   Rolled My Mower Down a Hill Icon_minitimeNovember 21st 2011, 7:46 pm

sorry for the crappy pics, i made it sound worrse than it is, but the frame is still bent and it wont ever be exactly back to normal. i did not get a pic of the carb snapped off yet.
Rolled My Mower Down a Hill Sunp0016 the white lines are around where the frame should be but its bent to the right

Rolled My Mower Down a Hill Sunp0017 the steering wheel busted off and where the shifter nob is you can kindof see a buckle in the metal to the right of it

Rolled My Mower Down a Hill Sunp0018 you cant see it at all in this picture, but to the right of the battery that piece all makes a dent pushing outwards.

Rolled My Mower Down a Hill Sunp0019 and the last picture is shit, but you can see in the center of the picture a circle hex bolt, and reight below that like a bright half of an oval, thats where the carb snapped off.

im just an accident prone kid i almost took off my arm and my life with a hand grinder accident last year, a stick through my foot riding dirtbikes, crashed my buddies 250f into a creek doing like 40, and rolled my homade trike doing like 40 with no helmet on onto asphalt, and now rolled my mower down a hill haha, all with in a year....
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PostSubject: Re: Rolled My Mower Down a Hill   Rolled My Mower Down a Hill Icon_minitimeNovember 30th 2011, 6:12 pm

never had mine go down a hill but had it close a few times
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PostSubject: Re: Rolled My Mower Down a Hill   Rolled My Mower Down a Hill Icon_minitimeNovember 30th 2011, 6:18 pm

I rolled the murrat front-ways off a steep hill because the front end rolled in due to the bolts coming out. It was no fun at all.
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PostSubject: Re: Rolled My Mower Down a Hill   Rolled My Mower Down a Hill Icon_minitime

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