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 what briggs 30hp vanguard v-twin motor can do

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Age : 27
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what  briggs 30hp vanguard v-twin motor can do Empty
PostSubject: what briggs 30hp vanguard v-twin motor can do   what  briggs 30hp vanguard v-twin motor can do Icon_minitimeDecember 10th 2011, 5:47 pm

drie bandeleros and they are 11 foot long, 3 foot wide and a ful blown race motor. this is a vid of my old vid before we got a new engine i started last and got 3rd, pretty damb goood for my 3rd race. on my channal i got more videos of the car racing and skip to about 4:30 and watch frome there to see me spin. these can go up to 160kph or 100 mph on just 1/3 tri oval hope you injoy it... took 23mins to do 20 laps..... usally a lap is 14 seconds long

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Age : 27
Join date : 2011-12-09
Points : 4819
Posts : 60
Location : canada

what  briggs 30hp vanguard v-twin motor can do Empty
PostSubject: Re: what briggs 30hp vanguard v-twin motor can do   what  briggs 30hp vanguard v-twin motor can do Icon_minitimeDecember 10th 2011, 5:48 pm

nvm i didet get 3rd but this is the last race n that engine
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what briggs 30hp vanguard v-twin motor can do
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