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 BackWoods Murray Build

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Age : 34
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PostSubject: BackWoods Murray Build   BackWoods Murray Build Icon_minitimeDecember 12th 2011, 11:59 pm

Hey well i got another project as i started my first build the (MTD Off Road Build) wich turned out im using it for speed buggy.
Well i got a 90 murray for free and it has the 1pc frame wich i like do to easy access when working on clutch,and that.
The shape is poor lol seat shot the rear tires dont hold air for long, the motor has a nice hole through the side,missing some stuff no lights.
I took the Engine off today and pulled my 84mtd 11hp off to put on this as this is just a mud/woods/beater. got the wiring kinda sorted out,extra junk removed,motor installed and running and i took it for a quick run in the yard. Still Tons to do!!!

I need to: clean/but air filter or build a snorkel pipe
-water proof coil/starter/cylinoid/switches/wires
-exhaust mod
-upgrade tires/wheels
-front suspension
-frame reinforcement
-slight pulley swap
-belly pan
-skid plates
winter is here and im going to just do what i can lol
I want ot start video of my project and mowers, well ill keep you updated.

What it first started as
BackWoods Murray Build Ort

getting ready to pull off the 12hp

BackWoods Murray Build Mudmut

As you can see why im doing this
BackWoods Murray Build Ouch

^what happens when govern is removed and held in full throttel mode lol

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PostSubject: Re: BackWoods Murray Build   BackWoods Murray Build Icon_minitimeDecember 13th 2011, 8:05 am

The PO was lucky- most times the flywheel explodes when its over revved too much . I never understood why someone would remove a governer ( risking life and limb) to gain more power , specially w/o properly building the motor up first to handle it , while itd be just cheeper to buy a larger motor in the first place. I got my 80's wizard free because the 11HP motor had the back of the block peeled back like a bananna when the counter weights carved thru it from over revving .

I know my twin 18HP murray couldve hit well in the upper 40mph range if i had it properly setup ( stability wise) - the motor was 99% stock ( cept for the air cleaner) running the governer - thing had power to spare.

Fearlessfront did a cool skid plate under the trans on his crawler - used an old footrest off a craftsman - fit perfect.
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Age : 34
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PostSubject: Re: BackWoods Murray Build   BackWoods Murray Build Icon_minitimeDecember 13th 2011, 8:26 am

yea idk y he did it,i allways left a govern on mine i never blew a up a motor or really beat on one, the 11hp on it now is enough for what im doing with it,and yea i seen that of feerlessfront's i got to look around and see what i got laying around
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PostSubject: Re: BackWoods Murray Build   BackWoods Murray Build Icon_minitimeDecember 13th 2011, 10:10 pm

Looks like my old tractor lol.
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PostSubject: Re: BackWoods Murray Build   BackWoods Murray Build Icon_minitimeDecember 13th 2011, 10:54 pm

Update : pulled rear end out pulled brake set up off cleaned it all,anti sized it all, i pulled the little cap off near the shifter and dupmed some gear oil in it,ive did it to at least 3 tractors all ready lol, i pulled cutch set up cleaned painted as it was all rusty,but back together greased stuff up. then had to do some other stuff so didnt get much done pics soon. my cell cam sux.
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Age : 34
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PostSubject: Re: BackWoods Murray Build   BackWoods Murray Build Icon_minitimeDecember 17th 2011, 5:57 pm

Well got it back together and driving,belt is shot but still working lol, i got some wide a$$ tires i had that fit on but will be changing as they just push mud and that and dont really go through it. I put my older agway grill in it as it has headlights got to center it and see what hood im going to use.
Its been cold as $Hit here it was around 21 today and i wasnt able to use the garage. Took a old atv chassie i had and stripped it down.Was thinking of cutting the front frame section off it where the atv A-Arms attach but the saw saw died scratch now i got to wait and get another one.
Well pics soon,maybe start videoing my updates like fearlessfront i got alot of good ideas from his videos.
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PostSubject: Re: BackWoods Murray Build   BackWoods Murray Build Icon_minitimeDecember 17th 2011, 6:09 pm

great job so far, cant wait to see those a-arms on your mower thats gonna be cool
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PostSubject: Re: BackWoods Murray Build   BackWoods Murray Build Icon_minitimeDecember 17th 2011, 6:23 pm

yea if i can mod something up,im thinking about using the spindles for my mtd project for a big brake upgrade if my idea works Cool
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PostSubject: Re: BackWoods Murray Build   BackWoods Murray Build Icon_minitimeDecember 17th 2011, 8:45 pm

cant wait to see some pics
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Age : 34
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PostSubject: Re: BackWoods Murray Build   BackWoods Murray Build Icon_minitimeDecember 21st 2011, 12:47 am

well today i went and figured out a rear atv hub so i can run my kenda tires, well the rear hubs have the splines made in them, well it is to small to fit my 3/4 axle so i ended up taking the front hubs pulling the bearings out wich gave my lots of room to play with, found a bearing out of an old cub cadet front wheel that fit perfect and fit my axle so i put that on the outer hub and on the inside i put a chain sprocket hub it butted up nice and i lined everything up welded it and got a nice removeable hub so i can go from atv wheels to stock tractor wheels anytime.
some pics

stock front hub with bearing i put in

BackWoods Murray Build Hub

sprocket hub with keyway on hub

BackWoods Murray Build Hub1

welded doesnt look stright but it is lol
BackWoods Murray Build Hub2

outer bearing in and painted and ready to go

BackWoods Murray Build Hub3

the crap part is tsc only had one hub in stock so i got to wait till 2-4 days when they get some , so i decided to put the bicycle gas pedal on and thats where im running into probs scratch got it mounted fine but idk how to hook it to the box on the engine,mine is the old style 11hp briggs,fearlessfronts engine box is horizontal as mine is vertical like this one
BackWoods Murray Build Carb

so any help or any suggestions would be good
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Age : 34
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PostSubject: Re: BackWoods Murray Build   BackWoods Murray Build Icon_minitimeDecember 24th 2011, 8:29 am

UPDATE: ive decided im no longer using this tractor, ive been noticing when off road/flexing over rocks/rough terrian that the frame flexs way too much and seems at times my foot pedal linkage and every thing binds up when the frame flexes. also ive noticed a good amount of axle play on the right side so either bad bushing in it or worn caseing. So i wont be using this unless i think of something else use for for it.

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PostSubject: Re: BackWoods Murray Build   BackWoods Murray Build Icon_minitime

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