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 pulley ratio, just looking for some opinions

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richie thomas
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richie thomas
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pulley ratio, just looking for some opinions Empty
PostSubject: pulley ratio, just looking for some opinions   pulley ratio, just looking for some opinions Icon_minitimeDecember 29th 2011, 9:22 pm

im rebuilding mine now loland instead of making the pulleys i bought a 6" for the motor and a 3 1/2" for the tranny, the motor is a 18.5 briggs opposed twin any ideas of the speed of this thing?
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pulley ratio, just looking for some opinions Empty
PostSubject: Re: pulley ratio, just looking for some opinions   pulley ratio, just looking for some opinions Icon_minitimeDecember 30th 2011, 12:36 am

Depending on the tranny, i'd say somewhere around the 30+ range. But be carefull lawnmowers aren't stable at those speeds. I had a dynamark that went 40+, but it was lowered, the front end was welded solid, and the steering was upgraded. But it was still very hairy at those speeds. Just be smart, and dont get hurt! Wink
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richie thomas
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richie thomas
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pulley ratio, just looking for some opinions Empty
PostSubject: Re: pulley ratio, just looking for some opinions   pulley ratio, just looking for some opinions Icon_minitimeDecember 31st 2011, 12:41 am

lol thats bout what i figured its a five speed tranny, ive built one before and it ran bout 30 but i made the pulleys and it ate belts like a b*tch lol so i bought these Cool im probally goin to just take the three and a half back and get a four or five, cause im gone ride trails with this one i got another one for speed Twisted Evil
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richie thomas
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richie thomas
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PostSubject: Re: pulley ratio, just looking for some opinions   pulley ratio, just looking for some opinions Icon_minitimeDecember 31st 2011, 1:13 am

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PostSubject: Re: pulley ratio, just looking for some opinions   pulley ratio, just looking for some opinions Icon_minitime

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pulley ratio, just looking for some opinions
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