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 Fixing the un-fixable!

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Age : 29
Join date : 2010-11-10
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Location : Scottdale, PA

Fixing the un-fixable! Empty
PostSubject: Fixing the un-fixable!   Fixing the un-fixable! Icon_minitimeJanuary 2nd 2012, 12:17 am

A while back, I sold my Craftsman to one off my buddy's, for him to offroad with us. He loved it and drove it all of the time. Until, one day a couple moths ago, he was driving it and the front wheel got caught in a rut. He must have really hit that rut hard, because it completely snapped and bend the front axle. At first glace we both figured it was UN-FIXABLE.!. and that we will need to find another front axle. After a long while of waiting to come across another Craftsman front axle, and no luck. I decided it was atleast worth a try to fix his old one for him.

So, today I decided to go drag the broken craftsman home to my house from my buddy's house. Once I finally got it to my house, I tore the front end off and further assessed the damage. After some heating up, bending, and welding. The old front axle is not only fixed, but I believed it is stronger than it came from the factory. Now the Craftsman should be ready to hit the trails again.! Wait until my buddy finds out, he'll be thrilled! The point of my story is nothing is ever un-fixable. Questions, or comments?

Here are some pictures of what I encountered today.

Towing the broken beast home
Fixing the un-fixable! Towing

A better look at the snappage..

Fixing the un-fixable! Snap
Fixing the un-fixable! Snap2

The broken side fixed.. (the good side was also re-welded and reinforced)

Fixing the un-fixable! Fixed

The top seem was welded to give extra strength and longevity.

Fixing the un-fixable! Allweldedup

The bottom seem was also welded.

Fixing the un-fixable! Bottom

That's all today guys!
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Age : 40
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Fixing the un-fixable! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fixing the un-fixable!   Fixing the un-fixable! Icon_minitimeJanuary 2nd 2012, 12:26 am

Good job on the repair man. That's a great tow-Horse you've got there too
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Age : 29
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Location : Scottdale, PA

Fixing the un-fixable! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fixing the un-fixable!   Fixing the un-fixable! Icon_minitimeJanuary 2nd 2012, 12:52 am

Thanks man, that's my old wheel horse and man is it a work horse.
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Wheel Crazy
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Wheel Crazy
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Fixing the un-fixable! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fixing the un-fixable!   Fixing the un-fixable! Icon_minitimeJanuary 2nd 2012, 1:56 pm

The front end looks great! Great job!!! I really like your old Wheel Horse!!! Do you know what model it is? I believe it's either a Suburban or some type of Rj. What a Face
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Age : 29
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Fixing the un-fixable! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fixing the un-fixable!   Fixing the un-fixable! Icon_minitimeJanuary 2nd 2012, 4:01 pm

Thanks Smile I believe the wheel horse is an rj 58. Although, i put a 9hp tecumseh in it, that came out of a snow blower.
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Fixing the un-fixable! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fixing the un-fixable!   Fixing the un-fixable! Icon_minitimeJanuary 3rd 2012, 8:11 pm

thats a sweet old wheel horse that you have got there i would like one my self.
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Age : 29
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Fixing the un-fixable! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fixing the un-fixable!   Fixing the un-fixable! Icon_minitimeJanuary 3rd 2012, 9:41 pm

Thanks man, i took it out in the snow today, and i can't believe how good it goes Surprised
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Age : 27
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Fixing the un-fixable! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fixing the un-fixable!   Fixing the un-fixable! Icon_minitimeJanuary 6th 2012, 11:50 pm

blanket80 wrote:
Thanks man, i took it out in the snow today, and i can't believe how good it goes Surprised

get any video?
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Age : 29
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Fixing the un-fixable! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fixing the un-fixable!   Fixing the un-fixable! Icon_minitimeJanuary 7th 2012, 1:32 am

McHandyMan wrote:
blanket80 wrote:
Thanks man, i took it out in the snow today, and i can't believe how good it goes Surprised

get any video?
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Fixing the un-fixable! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fixing the un-fixable!   Fixing the un-fixable! Icon_minitime

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Fixing the un-fixable!
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