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 anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys?

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Age : 27
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anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys? Empty
PostSubject: anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys?   anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys? Icon_minitimeJanuary 4th 2012, 9:22 pm

hello, im just wonderig is theres any one else that likes racing, off roading, and drifting rcs. ill get a pic of my 2 trucks and truggy up as fast as possible
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Age : 47
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Location : Columbus, Oh

anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys? Empty
PostSubject: Re: anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys?   anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys? Icon_minitimeJanuary 6th 2012, 8:59 am

I've got an SCX-10 that I play with. I haven't had it out in close to a year and the lipo's are probably bad. Before that I had a Traxxas Stampede.

Everything I had for the Stampede when I sold it.
anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys? Traxxas_Stampede.sized

anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys? IMG_20101030_114127_800x598.sized
Flexing on a rock in the back yard.

anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys? IMG00114_20100214_1632.sized
Crawling a pile of snow in the driveway.
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Age : 27
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Location : canada

anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys? Empty
PostSubject: Re: anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys?   anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys? Icon_minitimeJanuary 6th 2012, 5:27 pm

that crawler is awsome looking, i got the slash and stampede. are the the stock tyres?
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anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys? Empty
PostSubject: Re: anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys?   anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys? Icon_minitimeJanuary 6th 2012, 6:38 pm

Didn't we have a topic like this? Seems really familiar. Anyway, I have a good assortment of hobby grade RC. The main ones would be:
-brushless stampede converted to slash with a buggy body
-venom creeper 2.2 crawler
-scale land cruiser FJ40 made from tamiya and traxxas parts
-VW baja bug made from various tamia parts
-TLT monster truck, just a box of parts so far
-and various other incomplete projects
Like with tractors, I have 10 projects going at once and rarely is anything in shape to run.
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Age : 47
Join date : 2012-01-01
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Location : Columbus, Oh

anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys? Empty
PostSubject: Re: anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys?   anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys? Icon_minitimeJanuary 6th 2012, 6:50 pm

McHandyMan wrote:
that crawler is awsome looking, i got the slash and stampede. are the the stock tyres?

I forget what the tires are off of or what they are. The PO removed some of the tread blocks to make then bite harder and crawl better.
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Age : 27
Join date : 2011-12-09
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Location : canada

anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys? Empty
PostSubject: Re: anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys?   anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys? Icon_minitimeJanuary 7th 2012, 1:48 am

got the vid of just one truck the slash next up is the other truck!

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anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys? Empty
PostSubject: Re: anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys?   anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys? Icon_minitime

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anyone interested in rc cars trucks truggys and buggys?
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