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 toughest front and rear end ever!

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Age : 27
Join date : 2011-12-09
Points : 4829
Posts : 60
Location : canada

toughest front and rear end ever! Empty
PostSubject: toughest front and rear end ever!   toughest front and rear end ever! Icon_minitimeJanuary 8th 2012, 7:52 pm

bolens h14, 1974 or 75 with 1/2 inch mounts for a tiller plow mower or blower. there on front and rear with a 1/2 inch thick steel rear end. i say new farm tractors arnt built this well...[img]

this is my baby. and i still beat it like i hate it. never let me down and i sure as hell hope it will never let me down.
its only off the ground so i can make sure the tube frame isent cracked and the drive shaft hoock ups arnt broke. witer is coming and i got the blower going on tomoro if i can find he drive shaft picetoughest front and rear end ever! >action=view&current=IMG_20120108_142516

toughest front and rear end ever! Pbucket

hope the pics show!
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Age : 27
Join date : 2011-12-09
Points : 4829
Posts : 60
Location : canada

toughest front and rear end ever! Empty
PostSubject: Re: toughest front and rear end ever!   toughest front and rear end ever! Icon_minitimeJanuary 8th 2012, 8:00 pm

my album on photo bucket. the pice are there
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Join date : 2011-10-24
Points : 4841
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Location : Cheshire, England

toughest front and rear end ever! Empty
PostSubject: Re: toughest front and rear end ever!   toughest front and rear end ever! Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2012, 3:34 pm

McHandyMan wrote:

to post photos from facebook you must copy the public link for the album found at the bottom of the album page eg

toughest front and rear end ever! Screen13

you can also host an image file on SERVIMG

which is on the top bar

toughest front and rear end ever! Screen13

sorry the images are large.
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toughest front and rear end ever! Empty
PostSubject: Re: toughest front and rear end ever!   toughest front and rear end ever! Icon_minitime

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toughest front and rear end ever!
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