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 I got my 10 year old daughter in on the act

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Age : 50
Join date : 2010-04-09
Points : 5697
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Location : Little Rock Arkansas

I got my 10 year old daughter in on the act Empty
PostSubject: I got my 10 year old daughter in on the act   I got my 10 year old daughter in on the act Icon_minitimeApril 30th 2010, 1:55 am

Well for a few of my Videos i been experimenting withe idea with using my 10 year old daughter Stephanie as my co presenter.
This one is her debut Video.

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Age : 47
Join date : 2010-04-11
Points : 5475
Posts : 127
Location : Northeastern, PA

I got my 10 year old daughter in on the act Empty
PostSubject: Re: I got my 10 year old daughter in on the act   I got my 10 year old daughter in on the act Icon_minitimeMay 3rd 2010, 9:11 am

That's great, my kids love riding there craftsman. Its stock so they can put it in 5th gear and just zoom around the property.

I got my 10 year old daughter in on the act PICT0010-1
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I got my 10 year old daughter in on the act
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