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 My New Ranch King

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Age : 30
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PostSubject: My New Ranch King   My New Ranch King Icon_minitimeFebruary 12th 2012, 3:17 am

i got on craigslist the other day and ran across this ranch king, it was used for tractor pulls, so it has a custom setup on the front for adding weight and different things, also came with tire chains, it looks small in these pics but it is pretty decent size, i love it, what i love most was what i payed, $35 bucks, has a good belt, very good tires, very strong tranny, has 12.5hp briggs, needs started and exhaust but thats okay i plan to put a 14hp briggs on her, ima rework the 12.5hp engine and just have it put away for a spare or for if i come across a cheap or free tractor that needs a engine. well heres the pics tell me what you think, and also tell me if it was worth $35 bucks. also more pics to come when i begin working on it, they also gave me spare parts such as 2 different throttle cables, another steering shaft, and also steering gear plate thingy lol.

My New Ranch King DSCF1043

My New Ranch King DSCF1042
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PostSubject: Re: My New Ranch King   My New Ranch King Icon_minitimeFebruary 12th 2012, 11:16 am

Cool. Great Deal!
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PostSubject: Re: My New Ranch King   My New Ranch King Icon_minitimeFebruary 12th 2012, 12:55 pm

Nice looking Dynamark. That's a great price for a complete & solid non-runner.
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PostSubject: Re: My New Ranch King   My New Ranch King Icon_minitimeFebruary 12th 2012, 10:25 pm

is it a dynamark or ranch king? the guy i for it from said its a ranch king
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Age : 40
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PostSubject: Re: My New Ranch King   My New Ranch King Icon_minitimeFebruary 13th 2012, 11:58 am

Ranch King is just a name, not a manufacturer.... just like Craftsman. They have been made by Dynamark/Murray, MTD & AYP depending on the age of the tractor & who was selling them at the time.
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PostSubject: Re: My New Ranch King   My New Ranch King Icon_minitimeFebruary 13th 2012, 6:40 pm

Yepper - heres a good example - my 88 'kleen kut', but is a genuine Dynamark :

My New Ranch King Swamp_10

I call mine 'swamp thing' cause it was sitting in a guys yard and literally had mold all over it - never had the original motor fired up, a 18HP twin opposed - was missing too many parts, including the carb, mufflers were all rotten - its under a tarp in my back yard right now - i did have it mowing , but 14HP motor wasnt big enough for the 50" deck, had some trans issues as well . Its a beast tho, very large tractor - practically a GT.

Mine was $50 .
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Age : 30
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PostSubject: Re: My New Ranch King   My New Ranch King Icon_minitimeFebruary 25th 2012, 1:47 am

sorry for all the confusion guys, i thought it was a ranch king, well anyways im in the process of getting her going now.
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PostSubject: Re: My New Ranch King   My New Ranch King Icon_minitime

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