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 Custom dual exhaust on a Twin 16 Briggs & Stratton and some old build pics

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Ford Boi
Ford Boi

Age : 40
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Location : Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

Custom dual exhaust on a Twin 16 Briggs & Stratton and some old build pics Empty
PostSubject: Custom dual exhaust on a Twin 16 Briggs & Stratton and some old build pics   Custom dual exhaust on a Twin 16 Briggs & Stratton and some old build pics Icon_minitime2/13/2012, 20:27

I don't recall if I ever posted the build pics of this machine, but it is my 87 Yard Man racer with an 86 B&S Twin 16. Anyway here's a couple links to it, and other old mowers, and my new dual exhaust on the racer that I built today.

Some random pics of a bunch of me and my friend's old tractors. The white Yard Man is my current racer, that was stock with a 10HP B&S back then. A few build pics too.

My new exhaust, sounds like a mix between a Harley and a V8 !!!
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Custom dual exhaust on a Twin 16 Briggs & Stratton and some old build pics
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