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 Twin 16 B&S custom dual exhuast, sounds like a Harley.

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Ford Boi
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Twin 16 B&S custom dual exhuast, sounds like a Harley. Empty
PostSubject: Twin 16 B&S custom dual exhuast, sounds like a Harley.   Twin 16 B&S custom dual exhuast, sounds like a Harley. Icon_minitimeFebruary 14th 2012, 11:18 pm

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Twin 16 B&S custom dual exhuast, sounds like a Harley. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twin 16 B&S custom dual exhuast, sounds like a Harley.   Twin 16 B&S custom dual exhuast, sounds like a Harley. Icon_minitimeFebruary 15th 2012, 4:12 am

Yeah thats what my 18HP twin sounds like - cept with the shorty headers i had on it - it popped alot. In its next tractor itll get longer pipes.

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Twin 16 B&S custom dual exhuast, sounds like a Harley. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twin 16 B&S custom dual exhuast, sounds like a Harley.   Twin 16 B&S custom dual exhuast, sounds like a Harley. Icon_minitimeFebruary 15th 2012, 8:29 pm

dangeroustoys56 wrote:
Yeah thats what my 18HP twin sounds like - cept with the shorty headers i had on it - it popped alot. In its next tractor itll get longer pipes.

thats the same with mine it pops alot to and im going top do what you are doing and meke some longer pipes. when it gets warmer.
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Twin 16 B&S custom dual exhuast, sounds like a Harley. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twin 16 B&S custom dual exhuast, sounds like a Harley.   Twin 16 B&S custom dual exhuast, sounds like a Harley. Icon_minitime

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Twin 16 B&S custom dual exhuast, sounds like a Harley.
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