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Search found 5 matches for keepthekohler

Topics tagged under keepthekohler on All-Terrain Lawn Tractor Forum Normal11Topic: MightyRaze - Red Bandit

Replies: 296
Views: 8896

Search in: Off Road & Rally Tractors   Topics tagged under keepthekohler on All-Terrain Lawn Tractor Forum Icon_minipostSubject: MightyRaze - Red Bandit    Topics tagged under keepthekohler on All-Terrain Lawn Tractor Forum Icon_minitimeSun 31 Mar 2024, 8:34 pm
Not looking good guys for the #keepthekohler.  I went out to play and she lost all power, and came to a slow death.  Could not get it started at first or the next 10 or so tries.  Also, the excessive spinning post trying to start tells me compression issue.  I'm guessing the intake valve due to the flames shooting out the exhaust when it does hit...  Or the lack of compression isn't allowing for a full burn.  I'll check it out in the daylight tomorrow.  If I remember right it has a metal head gasket so I should be able to reuse when I do.  

Not too happy with this, as I was planning on bringing it to Haspin too this year.  I'll spend a couple weeks trying to figure it out then I guess I need to pull the repower switch.  :-(
Topics tagged under keepthekohler on All-Terrain Lawn Tractor Forum Normal11Topic: MightyRaze - Red Bandit

Replies: 296
Views: 8896

Search in: Off Road & Rally Tractors   Topics tagged under keepthekohler on All-Terrain Lawn Tractor Forum Icon_minipostSubject: MightyRaze - Red Bandit    Topics tagged under keepthekohler on All-Terrain Lawn Tractor Forum Icon_minitimeMon 04 Dec 2023, 7:40 pm
MightyRaze wrote:
#KohlerLives #savethekohler #keepthekohler

The Kohler lives again!  Knock is gone, and there isn't any vibration even though I took out the balance gears!

Did you get to drive it yet?
Topics tagged under keepthekohler on All-Terrain Lawn Tractor Forum Normal11Topic: MightyRaze - Red Bandit

Replies: 296
Views: 8896

Search in: Off Road & Rally Tractors   Topics tagged under keepthekohler on All-Terrain Lawn Tractor Forum Icon_minipostSubject: MightyRaze - Red Bandit    Topics tagged under keepthekohler on All-Terrain Lawn Tractor Forum Icon_minitimeMon 04 Dec 2023, 7:10 pm
#KohlerLives #savethekohler #keepthekohler

The Kohler lives again!  Knock is gone, and there isn't any vibration even though I took out the balance gears!

Topics tagged under keepthekohler on All-Terrain Lawn Tractor Forum Normal11Topic: MightyRaze - Red Bandit

Replies: 296
Views: 8896

Search in: Off Road & Rally Tractors   Topics tagged under keepthekohler on All-Terrain Lawn Tractor Forum Icon_minipostSubject: MightyRaze - Red Bandit    Topics tagged under keepthekohler on All-Terrain Lawn Tractor Forum Icon_minitimeMon 27 Nov 2023, 4:49 pm
#savethekohler #KeeptheKohler
Here is some more Kohler intimate shots for you guys to drewel over.

Rings looked new.
Topics tagged under keepthekohler on All-Terrain Lawn Tractor Forum Img_3091
rod was slapping the bottom of the piston wall.  Piston wall is ok.
Topics tagged under keepthekohler on All-Terrain Lawn Tractor Forum Img_3090

.010 piston.
Topics tagged under keepthekohler on All-Terrain Lawn Tractor Forum Img_3089

Cleaned pretty well.
Topics tagged under keepthekohler on All-Terrain Lawn Tractor Forum Img_3093

Piston wall looks good.
Topics tagged under keepthekohler on All-Terrain Lawn Tractor Forum Img_3092

Made some pins to help put the engine back on without fighting the gasket etc.
Topics tagged under keepthekohler on All-Terrain Lawn Tractor Forum Img_3094
Topics tagged under keepthekohler on All-Terrain Lawn Tractor Forum Normal11Topic: $25 1968 John Deere 110 Pre-Build
Double W Cross Ranch

Replies: 143
Views: 14750

Search in: Utility, Workhorse, and Pulling Tractors   Topics tagged under keepthekohler on All-Terrain Lawn Tractor Forum Icon_minipostSubject: $25 1968 John Deere 110 Pre-Build    Topics tagged under keepthekohler on All-Terrain Lawn Tractor Forum Icon_minitimeMon 05 Mar 2018, 9:13 pm
Man did yall all go and put #KeeptheKohler in your sig?
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