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 Briggs and Stratton 14.5 hp rear engine help?

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Briggs and Stratton 14.5 hp rear engine help? Empty
PostSubject: Briggs and Stratton 14.5 hp rear engine help?   Briggs and Stratton 14.5 hp rear engine help? Icon_minitimeJuly 23rd 2012, 8:16 pm

Have Briggs and Stratton 14.5 hp rear engine electric start snapper lawn mower. The hose that runs from inside air filter box and into the block cracked. Replaced hose and bought new air filter. Now I can't get it to crank. I'm charging my battery now but when I tryed to pull start, I could bearly pull the cord. Removed spark plug and gas/oil spewed out as I was removing it. Allowed all to drain out but still can't hardly pull rope. Any suggestions?
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Briggs and Stratton 14.5 hp rear engine help? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Briggs and Stratton 14.5 hp rear engine help?   Briggs and Stratton 14.5 hp rear engine help? Icon_minitimeJuly 23rd 2012, 9:44 pm

I doubt the hose is related to the current issue.
Sounds like your carb is totally flooding out.
Remove the float bowl on the carb, let a little gas run out of the carb and then work the float up and down to see if the fuel stops or not when the float is up.
If the gas does not stop when the float is pushed up with slight pressure, the carb is dirty or has a bad valve seat.
If the gas stops, your in luck. Clean the bowl really well and put it back on.
Remove the spark plug, position the plug wire where it will not spark on anything (also turn ignition off), and crank the motor over to clear the cylinder. Replace the plug with a new one and give it a try.
Check your oil level to make sure it is not over filled. Gas CAN sometimes go past the piston rings (called washing) and collect in the crank case. This will lead to a blown motor and possibly a BLOWN UP! motor.
Good luck, Keep us posted.
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Tractor Man Jeff
Tractor Man Jeff

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Briggs and Stratton 14.5 hp rear engine help? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Briggs and Stratton 14.5 hp rear engine help?   Briggs and Stratton 14.5 hp rear engine help? Icon_minitimeJuly 23rd 2012, 10:19 pm

Yeah, that's what happened to an old Kohler 6 horse engine we had. We couldn't get it to start and it got harder to start. We opened the oil plug and a massive gush of fuel/oil mixture came out, and a lot of it. That old engine never ran right. It has low compression, so I assume it needs new rings. The carburetor never was right. Got to keep an eye on this stuff.
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Briggs and Stratton 14.5 hp rear engine help? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Briggs and Stratton 14.5 hp rear engine help?   Briggs and Stratton 14.5 hp rear engine help? Icon_minitimeJuly 23rd 2012, 10:36 pm

Thanks guys....I'll give that a try.
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Briggs and Stratton 14.5 hp rear engine help? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Briggs and Stratton 14.5 hp rear engine help?   Briggs and Stratton 14.5 hp rear engine help? Icon_minitime

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