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 Snowmobile Trailer Rebuild

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Age : 29
Join date : 2011-12-06
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Location : Winchester, ON, Canada

Snowmobile Trailer Rebuild Empty
PostSubject: Snowmobile Trailer Rebuild   Snowmobile Trailer Rebuild Icon_minitimeAugust 3rd 2012, 11:41 pm

I Bought a Snowmobile Trailer From a guy for $80 that needs frame work on Wednesday, I am probably going to post some pictures of the build on this topic.

I checked out prices for the New metal I need(16' of 2"x2" 1/8th wall square tubing) and it will end up being $34.27 from my boss(Thats his cost incase some people wanted to know).
Then I will need to clean up the Rust, etc. and I don't have a wire wheel so I am going to buy one from Princess Auto for $17(before taxes), along with wiring etc. for aprox. $40 for Trailer Lights.
It ended up costing $80 in gas to get it home(was 80km round trip) and on the way home I discovered I wrecked a tire so a replacement tire is $60 on sale at Princess Auto.
I am going to need to replace the Plywood on the deck and I am going to put an old snowmobile track on it Then Repaint all of it(I have Plywood and a Track in the barn I got for free).
Repainting the bottom of the trailer my friend suggested using driveway sealer because its cheaper then Rocker Guard and it works just as well, I am going to try that(Hopefully it works and sticks), It was only $32.75 after taxes, My friend that suggested using it used the driveway sealer on his truck and its still holding up. I don't know what it will cost to paint the top, I am expecting $50 at the max.
After I finish it all I will post an ad on Kijiji between mid fall until the end of winter and post it for $700-$800. The lowest price for one that is ready to go is $800 right now.
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