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 1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY]

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1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Empty
PostSubject: 1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY]   1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Icon_minitimeMarch 12th 2014, 5:41 pm

1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Mower_17

Heres my 1977 ford f-150, and when we got it, it was my dads, he was gonna scrap it, and back then it had a dana 44 front, a dana 60 rear and was in pieces. But he sat around drinking beer and his friend convinced him to build it into a mud truck, he did(Along with my help), and it has recently been passed on to me. About last summer. He still has to take out the motor and tranny and the tires. I'm putting on 44" off-brand superswampers all-the-way around it, and a 351 Windsor with stacks, that it has already. And the sterling rear sucks(off of diesel rear) and we are putting on a dana 70, that is 10 lug for some odd reason. Just a woods truck, and the headlights do work, and the bed is rusted out, i'll put up a really old pic.
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1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY]   1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Icon_minitimeMarch 12th 2014, 5:45 pm

1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Old_pi10

1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] After_10

1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Muddin10
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1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY]   1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Icon_minitimeMarch 12th 2014, 5:49 pm

1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] 557_211
1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] 557_111

Last edited by MurrayMayhem on July 7th 2014, 4:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY]   1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Icon_minitimeMarch 12th 2014, 5:52 pm

1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] 557_111

1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Rearen10
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1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY]   1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Icon_minitimeMarch 12th 2014, 5:57 pm

1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Rearen11
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1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY]   1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Icon_minitimeMarch 12th 2014, 5:58 pm

You can put multiple pictures in one post.
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1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY]   1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Icon_minitimeMarch 12th 2014, 6:02 pm

1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Mower_18

1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Mower_19

Last edited by MurrayMayhem on March 12th 2014, 6:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY]   1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Icon_minitimeMarch 12th 2014, 6:04 pm

I know redline, but I don't feel like doing that, I'm too lazy.
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1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY]   1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Icon_minitimeMarch 12th 2014, 6:36 pm

Thats not an excuse. Please put them all in one post if you are posting more than one at a time.

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1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY]   1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Icon_minitimeMarch 12th 2014, 6:41 pm

Thumbnails might be a good idea if there's going to be this many pics. Cool truck.
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1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY]   1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Icon_minitimeMarch 12th 2014, 7:29 pm

that's a sweet truck!
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1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY]   1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Icon_minitimeMarch 13th 2014, 7:02 pm

Thanks guys, this things gonna be awesome, I'm putting on some off-brand 44" super swampers.

The front axle is a Ford Dana 60, and the rear is some kind of Sterling axle off of a newer ford diesel.
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1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY]   1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Icon_minitimeMarch 13th 2014, 9:24 pm

thats a puuuurdy truck
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1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Empty
PostSubject: Rebuild!   1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Icon_minitimeAugust 2nd 2014, 1:25 pm

New plan for the truck is a 351 windsor with aluminum heads and a chrome air cleaner. With c6 tranny, double transfer cases going to 2.5 ton military axles. With 14.9-24 tractor tires. Motor makes about 375hp on pump gas. Good enough for a kid going into his sophomore year.
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1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY]   1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Icon_minitimeMarch 10th 2015, 1:09 pm

Pictures coming soon. Got the 351 Windsor in it(Actually a 362 Windsor now) and the stock C6 with two 205 transfer cases with new drive shafts going to stock 2.5 ton Rockwells, debraked with a detroit locker in the front, and a welded up rear end for true four wheel drive. It sounds good straight piped, but i think it needs mufflers because people complain.
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1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY]   1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY] Icon_minitime

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1977 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT(Slightly Modified) [PICTURE HEAVY]
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