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 Adding grease fittings to extend the life of your transaxle?

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transaxle - Adding grease fittings to extend the life of your transaxle? Empty
PostSubject: Adding grease fittings to extend the life of your transaxle?   transaxle - Adding grease fittings to extend the life of your transaxle? Icon_minitimeSeptember 20th 2012, 1:17 am

So I am currently replacing the rearend in my craftsman when I thought about putting a grease fitting on it. I was wondering where I should put it and I thought I heard about someone doing it before but I cant find anything on it..
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PostSubject: Re: Adding grease fittings to extend the life of your transaxle?   transaxle - Adding grease fittings to extend the life of your transaxle? Icon_minitimeSeptember 20th 2012, 9:22 am

I've put them a couple of places. Spindle bearing on top, to grease spindle, had a couple lock up before. Rear axle between the outer bearings and differential, both sides, to grease the bearings and help keep the water out. We also use gear oil instead of grease. It can be tricky to seal the case, I use blue RTV, clean everything well, add o-rings to the brake shaft, and have made plugs where the ends of the shafts can be seen from the outside. Some transmissions are easier than others, I've gone to using peerless trannys only.
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PostSubject: Re: Adding grease fittings to extend the life of your transaxle?   transaxle - Adding grease fittings to extend the life of your transaxle? Icon_minitimeSeptember 20th 2012, 12:12 pm

My foote rearend was nice. Peerless is the way to go. Spicers just dont cut it..
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transaxle - Adding grease fittings to extend the life of your transaxle? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adding grease fittings to extend the life of your transaxle?   transaxle - Adding grease fittings to extend the life of your transaxle? Icon_minitimeOctober 5th 2012, 8:18 pm

I added zerks to a couple stock MTD transaxles - damn things whine horribly. I pretty much put a couple near the axle ends and near the main drive gear ( no access or anywhere near the input shaft to put one) - its helped, every so often i sock some grease in.

Has to be better then a lousy handful of 10 year old bennonite grease.
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PostSubject: Re: Adding grease fittings to extend the life of your transaxle?   transaxle - Adding grease fittings to extend the life of your transaxle? Icon_minitimeOctober 10th 2012, 7:21 pm

My MTD probably deserves an award for the loudest transaxle in the world. lol! Ive had it apart twice and replaced the grease and water profed it but no matter what i do it still screams. Eventually it will break apart but those forward/neutral/reverse transmissions arent that expensive to replace.
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PostSubject: Re: Adding grease fittings to extend the life of your transaxle?   transaxle - Adding grease fittings to extend the life of your transaxle? Icon_minitime

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Adding grease fittings to extend the life of your transaxle?
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