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 Friend or Foe?

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PostSubject: Friend or Foe?   Friend or Foe? Icon_minitimeSeptember 24th 2012, 4:49 am

I would like to take a poll on how many members use this site as well as the other Off road mower site : ATLMA

I attempted to become a member of thiers, but they have ridiculous rules and are "braggy" if you know what i mean..

But, I would imagine some members here are members there...or are they rivals? was this site started because they are dicks?

Clue me me oh wizards of the web... study

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PostSubject: Re: Friend or Foe?   Friend or Foe? Icon_minitimeSeptember 24th 2012, 4:59 am

That forum was abandoned by the members for all the horrid rules. Just look, the last post made was MONTHS ago.
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PostSubject: Re: Friend or Foe?   Friend or Foe? Icon_minitimeSeptember 24th 2012, 10:44 am

I tried to join there at first also... and realized it was a dead forum.
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Hillbilly Homer
Hillbilly Homer

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PostSubject: Re: Friend or Foe?   Friend or Foe? Icon_minitimeOctober 4th 2012, 3:00 pm

Rolling Eyes ...Chris is a DICK. He is like a five year old ( This is MY sand box and YOU WILL PLAY MY WAY!) Will not carry on an adult conversation if you dont see it his way you are a stupid " back-yard-basher (BYB)". He doesn't want us back-yard-bashers playing in his sand box! and has stated he wold rather see the web site go down then then let us back-yard-bashers play in his sand box! IMO

" Backyard bashers are NOT welcome here. this is the wrong place for you!"

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Age : 48
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PostSubject: I agree   Friend or Foe? Icon_minitimeOctober 4th 2012, 3:34 pm

I think a back yard basher is a start for most guys..& We all got to start somewhere and with this forum you learn the ropes without being subject to douche baggery
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PostSubject: Re: Friend or Foe?   Friend or Foe? Icon_minitimeOctober 4th 2012, 11:04 pm

Ive looked in and joined a bit of tractor forums but none compare to this i love ATLTF I love you here u dont have to be afraid of what u post and how members will react.
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Join date : 2012-05-31
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PostSubject: Re: Friend or Foe?   Friend or Foe? Icon_minitimeOctober 5th 2012, 12:30 am

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PostSubject: Re: Friend or Foe?   Friend or Foe? Icon_minitimeOctober 5th 2012, 9:38 pm

I considered joining there years ago - till i saw how the moderator treated people ( his way or highway) - the fact about that is he's also in cahoots with heymow - the racing tractor site, so he probably has to stay strict to keep on their good side.

I understand not all people have a ton of cash to build proper machines, heck i dont - why most my tractors have been WIPs or taken apart/rebuilt better. Im not saying dont have fun, just be careful.

Id say for safety's sake at least have decent brakes and wear a helmit - even on a stock tractor . Ive run some stockers thru the swamp behind the folks house and flipped over/crashed tons of times , and wasnt wearing a helmit - but came darn close to being hurt bad enough more then a few times.

Y just dont bounce back as easy when y get older - ive had my share of ER visits over the years - worst one was cutting my right middle finger down to the tendon working on my plain stock mower - 7 stitches to close it up, done it like 4 years ago and still bothers me sometimes , specially in cold weather.

All it takes is for that 'one' bad crash to ruin things.

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Age : 34
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PostSubject: Re: Friend or Foe?   Friend or Foe? Icon_minitimeOctober 5th 2012, 10:47 pm

I hear ya on that i work on engines a different way now after last year loosing from the knuckel up on my right thumb on a 2stroke snowmobile engine fan. But i gess there allways will be some places that will be to strick for most ppl
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PostSubject: Im all for..   Friend or Foe? Icon_minitimeOctober 8th 2012, 9:48 am

I personally am against being so strick that it comes off as rude..

I am much more for "Guidelines", Dont tell me what to do, but give me guidance..let me make my own choice to do the right thing.. Suspect

I think we as a community have a responsibility to just look out for each other and simply suggest alternatives when we see unsafe things..

I hate to hear of accidents, sorry about your knuckle(s)

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PostSubject: Re: Friend or Foe?   Friend or Foe? Icon_minitime

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