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 15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start

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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Empty
PostSubject: 15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start   15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Icon_minitimeOctober 23rd 2012, 9:38 pm

I have a craftsman with a 15.5 hp turbo cooled motor and one day i decided to pulley swap it and bypass the governor so i could get a little extra speed by pulling on a string (i only did this once) i rode it all over and then it shut off and would not start again. I cleaned the piston and cylinder walls thourougly and it has good spark. I think i may need to add oil and clean the carb. I tried to start it this morning and it fired once then died and wouldnt start again.
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Age : 48
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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Empty
PostSubject: sounds like a carb problem to me,   15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Icon_minitimeOctober 23rd 2012, 9:57 pm

I think it sounds like a carb problem, but then again there could be a whole slue of problems..Not to get you worried, but I would just start with a good carb cleaning..
try this, take a little gas in something you can pour small amounts from and drip some gas directly into your carb without the air you do this, turn it over..If it tries to run, but struggles when you stop dripping the fuel, then It might mean you have a carb problem. If it does nothing, you may have a carb problem where it is giving too much gas..hence flooding the intake....try that and see what happens

running without a gov without changing some of the stock inturnal parts can be risky. I personally can not attest to the uncertainty, but I have seen alot of people mentioning that unless you are rebuilding with performance in mind, leave the gov on..

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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start   15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Icon_minitimeOctober 23rd 2012, 10:24 pm

ill try that.
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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Empty
PostSubject: Im online for a few hours    15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Icon_minitimeOctober 23rd 2012, 10:26 pm

dylansrockinrigs wrote:
ill try that.

If you are doing this now, Ill be online for several hours..Im at work farao
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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start   15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Icon_minitimeOctober 23rd 2012, 10:32 pm

I gotta go to school tomorrow and my shop doesnt have any lights.
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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Empty
PostSubject: no problem..   15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Icon_minitimeOctober 23rd 2012, 10:34 pm

dylansrockinrigs wrote:
I gotta go to school tomorrow and my shop doesnt have any lights.

I dont always know where everyone is in the world..take care....till another day!
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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start   15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Icon_minitimeOctober 23rd 2012, 10:35 pm

im gonna try to work on it tomorrow.
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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start   15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Icon_minitimeOctober 24th 2012, 12:35 am

This may help

Instead of using gas to prime the engine, I use spray bomb carb cleaner. They usually come with a straw that lets you aim it right down the bore.

Its my best method for testing engines on site. If it will run on carb cleaner it will run with a carb job.
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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start   15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Icon_minitimeOctober 24th 2012, 7:26 pm

I just ran out of carb cleaner but i have the stuff you soak it in so i think im just gonna take it apart and soak it
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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Empty
PostSubject: couldnt hurt..   15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Icon_minitimeOctober 24th 2012, 9:27 pm

dylansrockinrigs wrote:
I just ran out of carb cleaner but i have the stuff you soak it in so i think im just gonna take it apart and soak it

I suppose If you have the stuff go for it..Do you have an air compressor? helps down later in cleaning...Please wear eye pro! I know you arent using carb cleaner spray, but I have had it in my eyes three times...sux What a Face
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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start   15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Icon_minitimeOctober 24th 2012, 10:50 pm

My dad has one... I have gotten that spray stuff in my eyes once.... its terrible
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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start   15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Icon_minitimeOctober 25th 2012, 12:37 am

Dou you have a compression tester?

Does it feel normal when you pull on it.

Time to go down the list,

Does it have compression
Does it have spark
Does it have fuel
Is the timing right
Is the mixture right

If these things are correct, a good mototr should run

If not look for mechanical issues
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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Empty
PostSubject: Just had to quote you on that portion...   15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Icon_minitimeOctober 25th 2012, 12:47 am

Chopperhed wrote:

Does it feel normal when you pull on it.

HAHA! Twisted Evil lol!

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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start   15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Icon_minitimeOctober 25th 2012, 8:25 pm

These are a couple pics of a cast flywheel on a pulling tractor that exploded:

15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Flyw0310

15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Flyw0510

Yeah its a modifed motor, but its pretty much what could happen if a cast flywheel weakens - two things could prevent this - proper speed parts with a billet flywheel or a bigger motor .

My murray had a stock governed 18HP twin that ran around 30mph - the original 14.5HP OHV motor didnt have enough power for me.
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Age : 25
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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start   15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Icon_minitimeOctober 25th 2012, 11:14 pm

okay im gonna do away with my governer bypass then... I still havent got to work on it yet.
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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start   15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Icon_minitimeOctober 25th 2012, 11:29 pm

dylansrockinrigs wrote:
okay im gonna do away with my governer bypass then... I still havent got to work on it yet.

Good deal...BTW watch this video too!

How to blow up a craftsman lawnmower engine
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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start   15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Icon_minitimeOctober 27th 2012, 3:04 pm

It was running on sarter fluid so i cleaned up the carb a little and blew out the jets and it fired right up but i forgot to hook up the throttle and governer so it started to rev up so i shut it off and hooked it back up but it wouldnt start because my battery is dead.
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Age : 48
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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Empty
PostSubject: That's just how it goes.    15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Icon_minitimeOctober 27th 2012, 3:49 pm

Awesome. That's just how "shit happens". lol!
I'm glad you did get it fired up.
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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start   15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Icon_minitimeOctober 27th 2012, 3:59 pm

I need to find my key to the my dads shop so i can charge the battery and go plow down the new trail we cut.
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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start   15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Icon_minitimeOctober 28th 2012, 11:58 am

Ive got the battery charging but the compression is allot higher than it was before i think i put the rod for the intake valve on the exhaust valve and vice versa. ive got a fuel leak somewhere i think im gonna drop it off at western auto and get it fixed by the pros
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Age : 48
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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Empty
PostSubject: Well no shame in that   15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Icon_minitimeOctober 28th 2012, 6:01 pm

There isnt anything wrong with getting things fixed by some pros..I may take in my 20hp opposed twin..
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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start   15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Icon_minitimeOctober 28th 2012, 6:33 pm

i got it running and drove it three miles today. runs great. i rolled it over in a creek and it hasnt started again
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Age : 48
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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Empty
PostSubject: seriously?   15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Icon_minitimeOctober 28th 2012, 6:41 pm

dylansrockinrigs wrote:
i got it running and drove it three miles today. runs great. i rolled it over in a creek and it hasnt started again
You can be serious....

Did it get liquid locked? what happens is oil floods the cylinder and its virtually impossible to start..
you have to remove the spark plug and give the flywheel a turn with your hand...Slowly, watch for oil to come can also, push a length of paper towel in there and see if its full of oil.

you got to flush it out and even then itll burn and smoke for a bit..
Watch this video of 1PUGLIFE its an oldie but goodie

a romp with pug pt 2 of 3
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Age : 25
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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start   15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Icon_minitimeOctober 28th 2012, 6:52 pm

Ive seen that video. It is allot harder to turn over than it should be im gonna replace the head gasket soon so ill check on it then.
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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start   15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start Icon_minitime

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15.5 hp turbo cooled craftsman briggs and stratton wont start
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