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 Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not?

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Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not? Empty
PostSubject: Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not?   Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not? Icon_minitimeDecember 28th 2012, 8:46 pm

I have a 88 murray RER and i was lookin at the trans and i saw labels in this order
in that order on the case. iv never seen this or read any posts talking about this.
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Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not?   Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not? Icon_minitimeDecember 28th 2012, 9:51 pm

im pretty sure tecumsah makes all the peerless products now.
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Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not?   Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not? Icon_minitimeDecember 28th 2012, 10:26 pm

My transaxle is a Tecumseh-Peerless.

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Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not?   Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not? Icon_minitimeDecember 29th 2012, 9:47 am

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Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not?   Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not? Icon_minitimeDecember 29th 2012, 10:06 am

I did some research and found out that mine is only 1 of two built 30" RER built between 84 and 86.
heres the link to My Tractor Forum where i found the info.
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Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not?   Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not? Icon_minitimeDecember 29th 2012, 3:43 pm

Tecumseh used to build peerless transmissions - they sold the division off to husquavarna in 2008 - tecumseh is no longer making anything.

Most likely its AYP built - they built alot of tractor brands back then, craftsman, murray, dynamark, lawncheif , noma .

If that motor is original - the 1st two numbers in the CODE are the year of motor manufacture ( briggs motors only).
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Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not?   Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not? Icon_minitimeDecember 31st 2012, 5:09 pm

everything on it is original, its a 84 model, im currently workingon it
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Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not?   Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not? Icon_minitime

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Peerless trans with tecumseh markings on it. one of a kind or not?
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