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 Tecumseh Peerless 700 on a murray 11/36 offroad mower (11hp)

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Tecumseh Peerless 700 on a murray 11/36 offroad mower (11hp) Empty
PostSubject: Tecumseh Peerless 700 on a murray 11/36 offroad mower (11hp)   Tecumseh Peerless 700 on a murray 11/36 offroad mower (11hp) Icon_minitimeJanuary 15th 2023, 11:41 am

Hello, i recently bought a murray 11/36 and it has a 7 speed (5forward, 1neutral and 1 reverse) transmission. The transmission/gearbox is a tecumseh Peerless 700. This transmission is pretty expensive to repair if it breaks so i was wondering if i should inspect if before getting the mower to drive. Should i inspect it, clean the inside and re- grease it or should i just fill it up with new Bentonite grease and send it. 2nd question: Can i use a 428 reinforced motorcross chain for it or do i need a bigger chain size? (The rear axle is a diff axle with a sprocket that gets driven by the gearbox,chain drive. The gearbox/transmission is connected with a belt to the motor like normally.)
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Rustbucket Garage
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Tecumseh Peerless 700 on a murray 11/36 offroad mower (11hp) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tecumseh Peerless 700 on a murray 11/36 offroad mower (11hp)   Tecumseh Peerless 700 on a murray 11/36 offroad mower (11hp) Icon_minitimeJanuary 15th 2023, 1:16 pm

You can also get clones of that transmission pretty easily in the states at least.

I’d suggest just cleaning the inside real good, new seals, and fresh 00 grease (they call it cotton picker grease sometimes, I’ve seen these 700s running on them once or twice and it’s about the same consistency.
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Tecumseh Peerless 700 on a murray 11/36 offroad mower (11hp) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tecumseh Peerless 700 on a murray 11/36 offroad mower (11hp)   Tecumseh Peerless 700 on a murray 11/36 offroad mower (11hp) Icon_minitimeJanuary 15th 2023, 1:29 pm

I tend to agree with everything that @Rustbucket Garage said.

As for the 428 chain... if you're using 428 sprocket then do it the 428 chain is stronger than 40 and you can get it with O rings. If you want to use 428 on 40 sprockets technically it will work BUT 428 has slighter larger rollers so you won't get the full roller contact patch and it will wear funny.

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Tecumseh Peerless 700 on a murray 11/36 offroad mower (11hp) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tecumseh Peerless 700 on a murray 11/36 offroad mower (11hp)   Tecumseh Peerless 700 on a murray 11/36 offroad mower (11hp) Icon_minitimeJanuary 18th 2023, 5:53 pm

@Rustbucket Garage
Okay, imma do that!
thanks for your awnser.
Here in Germany i cant get a cheap Peerless clone haha. Why? Because germany...
I have an old peerless 700 laying around with good bearings in it. Imma use these bearings so i dont have to buy new ones. The old peerless 700 that i have with the good bearings has 2 stripped out threads in the case. I could repair them with a thread repair kit... for now imma use it for parts. The threads are stripped out because it was on a gokart and a weld broke that was holding the transmission bracket, The motor had so much power it RIPPED the 2 screws out of the case.
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Tecumseh Peerless 700 on a murray 11/36 offroad mower (11hp) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tecumseh Peerless 700 on a murray 11/36 offroad mower (11hp)   Tecumseh Peerless 700 on a murray 11/36 offroad mower (11hp) Icon_minitimeJanuary 18th 2023, 5:55 pm

Yea, i had this happen with my motorized bicycle once. I bought a 420 chain for it but the back sprocket is ment for a 416 chain. The back sprocket wore out so fast. Tt has really spiky sprocket tooths rn. Need to replace that haha.
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Tecumseh Peerless 700 on a murray 11/36 offroad mower (11hp) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tecumseh Peerless 700 on a murray 11/36 offroad mower (11hp)   Tecumseh Peerless 700 on a murray 11/36 offroad mower (11hp) Icon_minitime

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Tecumseh Peerless 700 on a murray 11/36 offroad mower (11hp)
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