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 Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46

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Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Empty
PostSubject: Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46   Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Icon_minitimeJanuary 7th 2013, 3:29 pm

Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46. The 1992 Murray is not off roading but I just wanted to show off my ags

Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 0012
Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 0033-1
Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 004-2
Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 0056-1
Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 005
Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 006
Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 155325_450990448279811_2014328945_n
Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 229838_450990251613164_1075611112_n
Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 21465_450990108279845_1899653533_n
Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 16895_450989781613211_115535548_n
Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 58329_445774358801420_872906809_n
Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 185138_445774518801404_1232451333_n
Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 425890_445774145468108_1157643879_n
Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 560757_445774248801431_50926287_n
Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 181661_171062716272587_4273282_n
Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 264880_207463899299135_2570485_n
Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 179223_171060666272792_7622240_n
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Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46   Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Icon_minitimeJanuary 7th 2013, 3:42 pm

Nice machines - that murray GT is just like mine - cept mine doesnt have a motor , itll be a good platform for my offroader. Also have a black version of the green murray ( 99 hydro with 17HP twin) and same black widebody (99 - mine has a 13HP swapped from the blown 12.5HP - doesnt have the big wheels tho).

Its surprised me how decent some stock tractors are in the mud, most my fleet was non running when i got em- so to make sure they ran they got a trip thru the swamp back behind the folks place. Best two in the mud were my 70 toro and my 80's agway.
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Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46   Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Icon_minitimeJanuary 7th 2013, 5:09 pm

I really like the back hitch setup on your 92 Murray. You make it yourself? Got plans? Would love to make one for the GT once she gets moving again, make a great dozer blade platform.

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Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46   Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Icon_minitimeJanuary 7th 2013, 5:24 pm

The rear hitch is a sleeve hitch that Murray offered for there GTs. It is for plows, cutivators, blades, etc. I have 2 of them. The one pictured is a older style and is in rough shape. The other hitchh I have is the newest style and is still in the box, never been mounted. Murray sleeve hitches are rare and hard to find. Most people modify Craftsman sleeve hitches for there Murray garden tractors
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Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46   Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Icon_minitimeJanuary 7th 2013, 5:32 pm

Actually looks like it would mount to my GT, its an 80s something Murray and I think it has those threaded mount holes. Wondered what those were for.

I should make one and make a brush cutter for it. I have a single blade round deck off a Snapper I could probably mod into an attachment for it.

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Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46   Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Icon_minitimeJanuary 10th 2013, 9:04 am

Nice, I have a 1996 Murray wide body, with the briggs 14.5 and 21s on the back and stock rims on the front with quad tires. Its pulley swapped with a 3.5 on the back and the stock druive oulley on the front. It is a beast off road, and is fast onroad for getting to romping spots.
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Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46   Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Icon_minitimeJanuary 10th 2013, 9:15 am

Wow that craftsman looks really new. Never had a tractor newer than '99!

About those sleve hitch guys, I've got a REALLY nice one on my 1963 Jacobsen chief. Those are really solid. If you're wanting to build one I can post some pics. Smile
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Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46   Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Icon_minitimeJanuary 10th 2013, 12:17 pm

murrayman96 wrote:
Nice, I have a 1996 Murray wide body, with the briggs 14.5 and 21s on the back and stock rims on the front with quad tires. Its pulley swapped with a 3.5 on the back and the stock druive oulley on the front. It is a beast off road, and is fast onroad for getting to romping spots.
Your Murray is not a Widebody. It is a pan frame. Widebody has a rail frame and one peice fenderpan yours has bolt on fenders and one peice stamped steel frame and Murray didnt make the Widebody untill 1997
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Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46   Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Icon_minitimeJanuary 10th 2013, 12:28 pm

The Craftsman I got in November of 2010 and I have beat it to death. I blew the origanal motor and the origanal trans. I have replaced the motor with a 20 horse Briggs Opposed twin and I am currently replacing the trans with a Peerless 6 speed from a Murray Widebody. That black Murray Select was probably the best tractor I ever owned. Bought it for $27 and only had to put a battery in it. I ended up slapping a mower deck on it and selling it for $225. That was a great tractor and it ran so smooth.
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Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46   Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Icon_minitimeJanuary 10th 2013, 12:44 pm

98Murray wrote:
murrayman96 wrote:
Nice, I have a 1996 Murray wide body, with the briggs 14.5 and 21s on the back and stock rims on the front with quad tires. Its pulley swapped with a 3.5 on the back and the stock druive oulley on the front. It is a beast off road, and is fast onroad for getting to romping spots.
Your Murray is not a Widebody. It is a pan frame. Widebody has a rail frame and one peice fenderpan yours has bolt on fenders and one peice stamped steel frame and Murray didnt make the Widebody untill 1997

oh ok, my buddy has the same tractor as me and said it was a wide body, so i figured mine was too, thanks for the info, i dont know much about murrays so thanks for the info.
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Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46   Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Icon_minitimeJanuary 10th 2013, 12:49 pm

WOW Some guys get all the luck! Smile
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Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46   Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Icon_minitimeJanuary 10th 2013, 1:18 pm

murrayman96 wrote:
98Murray wrote:
murrayman96 wrote:
Nice, I have a 1996 Murray wide body, with the briggs 14.5 and 21s on the back and stock rims on the front with quad tires. Its pulley swapped with a 3.5 on the back and the stock druive oulley on the front. It is a beast off road, and is fast onroad for getting to romping spots.
Your Murray is not a Widebody. It is a pan frame. Widebody has a rail frame and one peice fenderpan yours has bolt on fenders and one peice stamped steel frame and Murray didnt make the Widebody untill 1997

oh ok, my buddy has the same tractor as me and said it was a wide body, so i figured mine was too, thanks for the info, i dont know much about murrays so thanks for the info.
You should check out a website called there is alot of info on Murray tractors and also manuals. There might be a manual for your Murray
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Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46   Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Icon_minitimeJanuary 10th 2013, 1:26 pm

What years does that site cover? My profile photo is a 1989 (I'm pretty sure).
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Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46   Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Icon_minitimeJanuary 10th 2013, 1:52 pm

98Murray wrote:
murrayman96 wrote:
98Murray wrote:
murrayman96 wrote:
Nice, I have a 1996 Murray wide body, with the briggs 14.5 and 21s on the back and stock rims on the front with quad tires. Its pulley swapped with a 3.5 on the back and the stock druive oulley on the front. It is a beast off road, and is fast onroad for getting to romping spots.
Your Murray is not a Widebody. It is a pan frame. Widebody has a rail frame and one peice fenderpan yours has bolt on fenders and one peice stamped steel frame and Murray didnt make the Widebody untill 1997

oh ok, my buddy has the same tractor as me and said it was a wide body, so i figured mine was too, thanks for the info, i dont know much about murrays so thanks for the info.
You should check out a website called there is alot of info on Murray tractors and also manuals. There might be a manual for your Murray

ok thanks man i will check it out
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Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46   Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Icon_minitimeJanuary 10th 2013, 2:09 pm

BlackMountian88 wrote:
What years does that site cover? My profile photo is a 1989 (I'm pretty sure).
That site covers all Murray riders from all years. Yours is a early 90's possibly 92'
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Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46   Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Icon_minitimeJanuary 10th 2013, 2:13 pm

Ok sweet. Ya I don't know much about mine, other than It's unique. It came grey. Very beefy steering system, 18.5hp motor. It has a bunch of outdated ATV registration stickers on the fender! lol Smile
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Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46   Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Icon_minitimeJanuary 10th 2013, 2:19 pm

BlackMountian88 wrote:
Ok sweet. Ya I don't know much about mine, other than It's unique. It came grey. Very beefy steering system, 18.5hp motor. It has a bunch of outdated ATV registration stickers on the fender! lol Smile
If yours was grey then it was a Murray Pro. Probably a YT (yard tractor) a garden tractor frame with lawn tractor transaxle. There is a member on MurrayOwnersWorld (MOW for short) named Spencanoe and he has a nice Murray Pro like yours except stock.
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Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46   Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Icon_minitimeJanuary 10th 2013, 2:27 pm

Yes that's what the stickers said. Didn't know it had a garden tractor frame. Should've used it as a mudder!
It went a month or two as a hauling tractor, then it got painted and became a general use tractor, then got lowered, transmission changed (Hate hydrostatic), smaller engine, and final paint job! Now it's my street rod!
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Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46   Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Icon_minitimeJanuary 10th 2013, 2:28 pm

And thanks for the info!
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Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46   Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Icon_minitimeJanuary 10th 2013, 2:33 pm

I must say it looks awsome! Good job!
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Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46   Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Icon_minitimeJanuary 10th 2013, 2:39 pm

Thanks! Still lots to be done. The ground clearance is about an inch so I scrape alot, and the shifter is AwFuL.
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Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Empty
PostSubject: 1992 Murray   Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Icon_minitimeMay 8th 2013, 11:50 am

Nice my friend, MurrayMayhem on YouTube, has that same 1992 Murray. He is making it in to a monster mud mower he hasn't put an update of it up yet but he's making one today.
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Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46   Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Icon_minitimeMay 8th 2013, 11:59 am

The larger red murray looks like it may have a peerless 820 transaxle in it. That's what we run in our tractors.
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Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46   Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46 Icon_minitime

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Heres some pics of my 2010 Caftsman YTS3000, 1999 Murray Select Widebody, 1992 Murray 18/46 GT, 1998 Murray Ultra Widebody, and 2006 Yard Man 20/46
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