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 B&S flathead crank compatability?

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B&S flathead crank compatability? Empty
PostSubject: B&S flathead crank compatability?   B&S flathead crank compatability? Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2013, 6:41 pm

Hey guys, anyone know if the crankshafts will swap between vertical and horizontal motors? I have a 10hp generator motor with the goofy tapered crank, and I have a 11hp vertical shaft mower motor that needs cylinder work. Think it's possible to take the crank out of the 11hp that has a dtraight keyed shaft, and put it into the 10hp horizontal generator motor? Other than the tapered crank, the 10hp is in great shape, I want to put it on a walk behing tractor.
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B&S flathead crank compatability? Empty
PostSubject: Re: B&S flathead crank compatability?   B&S flathead crank compatability? Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2013, 7:24 pm

You would have to look up part numbers for each crank and see if they are the same. Since they are different Hp though im gonna guess they arent.

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B&S flathead crank compatability? Empty
PostSubject: Re: B&S flathead crank compatability?   B&S flathead crank compatability? Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2013, 8:26 pm

Part numbers aren't the same even on same hp ratings though I know many parts swap that aren't identical numbers. The numbers is what I checked first though.
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B&S flathead crank compatability? Empty
PostSubject: Re: B&S flathead crank compatability?   B&S flathead crank compatability? Icon_minitimeMarch 22nd 2013, 7:03 pm

Longer rod, makes for a .110 piston pop up. After milling it'll look like a dome piston. 12.5 stroker engine. This will be the 5th one I built. *hint, adjust the timing via flywheel key.
*4 degrees.

This one will go in my Enduro mower. 0 to 60.

1/3 finished with it.

Kel[img]B&S flathead crank compatability? Attt_011[/img]
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B&S flathead crank compatability? Empty
PostSubject: Re: B&S flathead crank compatability?   B&S flathead crank compatability? Icon_minitime

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