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 Verify something online using "your" mobile phone

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PostSubject: Verify something online using "your" mobile phone   Verify something online using "your" mobile phone Icon_minitimeTue Jan 22, 2013 10:32 pm

This sort of pisses me off sometimes, you have to verify your account using your mobile sorta sucks for the people without them, what do they do? its a great way for a business to lose customers, i am trying to verify my account to buy something but i need a mobile phone so they can make sure its actually me, why did all these companies that use mobile phones for verification stop using emails? seems like a simple and easier way to do it, normally if you have internet you have a email account or you have access to making a free one, i dont have a mobile phone nor do i plan on getting one soon just because of this. When i get one it will most likely be because i am living on my own and im never home and a home phone would be useless if it always goes to the answering machine). What are your guys' opinion on this? i know some of you have a mobile phone but some dont. and sorry for sort of ranting:P i just hate when someone automatically assumes you have something, like having a facebook account, pretty much the same idea as a mobile phone.
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PostSubject: Re: Verify something online using "your" mobile phone   Verify something online using "your" mobile phone Icon_minitimeWed Jan 23, 2013 9:20 am

I understand the point of it. Dual authentication is a method a lot of companies are going to to avoid hackers. If your computer is possibly compromised, the thought is that anything sent from it is suspect. The solution is to have people access from 2 different sources. The reason they are using mobile phones it that its an easy medium to expand to as its similar to computers, and mobile phones have become so commonplace.
It still sucks.

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PostSubject: Re: Verify something online using "your" mobile phone   Verify something online using "your" mobile phone Icon_minitimeWed Jan 23, 2013 10:19 am

I know Google started the mobile authentication a year or so ago, and Craigslist has been doing it forever. Honestly I dont mind it. Its basically there because email addresses are more easily hacked than landlines or cellular phones.

Personally I would rather have cellular authentication than email, just because its easier to have my phone out than switch tabs and go to one of my 5 emails to find the damn code.

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PostSubject: Re: Verify something online using "your" mobile phone   Verify something online using "your" mobile phone Icon_minitimeWed Jan 23, 2013 10:27 pm

i just think there should be a better way of doing it, just like how i am stuck, i dont have a cell phone but i have a computer and internet. i see what you guys mean, though, i am one of three people in my entire school who don't have a cell phone(and my school has 600 students)..but what about older people like parents of kids, they might have a cell phone but all the parents i know dont text(i know thats changing).
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PostSubject: Re: Verify something online using "your" mobile phone   Verify something online using "your" mobile phone Icon_minitimeThu Jan 24, 2013 5:37 pm

I don't have a cell phone, don't plan on getting one either. They have to have an alternative for those who choose not to have one.
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PostSubject: Re: Verify something online using "your" mobile phone   Verify something online using "your" mobile phone Icon_minitimeThu Jan 24, 2013 10:29 pm

W1ldyOvvnZ wrote:
i just think there should be a better way of doing it, just like how i am stuck, i dont have a cell phone but i have a computer and internet. i see what you guys mean, though, i am one of three people in my entire school who don't have a cell phone(and my school has 600 students)..but what about older people like parents of kids, they might have a cell phone but all the parents i know dont text(i know thats changing).

A lot of times they have voice stuff where if you choose it, they use an automated machine to say your confirmation number. Then you just write it down and plug it in on your confirmation page on your PC. Usually its for the people who have landlines and dont have cell phones. Thats how I did my Craigslist back when because I was out a cell phone at the time.

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Age : 28
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PostSubject: Re: Verify something online using "your" mobile phone   Verify something online using "your" mobile phone Icon_minitimeThu Jan 24, 2013 11:09 pm

Doug Fackler wrote:

A lot of times they have voice stuff where if you choose it, they use an automated machine to say your confirmation number. Then you just write it down and plug it in on your confirmation page on your PC. Usually its for the people who have landlines and dont have cell phones. Thats how I did my Craigslist back when because I was out a cell phone at the time.
i know they have that with some stuff, which is nice because most people have land lines, but it really gets annoying when they dont have the option for voice. i know two people i work with both dont have land lines, one has a cell phone and the other goes without either one, but they also both dont have internet.
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