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 idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic

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PostSubject: idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic   drive - idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic Icon_minitimeFri Mar 08, 2013 10:46 pm

ok, ive got this idea. what if you get a mower with a hyro in it, you put a massive lift like ffs, but you leave the hydro in place, put a sprocket on the right axle and run a chain down to the tires with a live axle. and gear the chain so it goes decently fast. then you will have an automatic mower, just push the old petals to go forward and backward
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PostSubject: Re: idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic   drive - idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic Icon_minitimeFri Mar 08, 2013 10:50 pm

Might work, I would use both axles though to run a chain drive. Wont have a diff but be stronger.

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PostSubject: Re: idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic   drive - idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic Icon_minitimeFri Mar 08, 2013 10:52 pm

need to run 2 chains or lock the diff
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PostSubject: Re: idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic   drive - idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic Icon_minitimeFri Mar 08, 2013 10:54 pm

yeah you would have to lock the diff or two chains, but would it work good or would we blow the tranny?
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PostSubject: Re: idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic   drive - idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic Icon_minitimeFri Mar 08, 2013 10:56 pm

I think you would be fine as long as you used really good bearings and didnt gear it too high.

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PostSubject: Re: idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic   drive - idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic Icon_minitimeFri Mar 08, 2013 10:57 pm

now we have a way to make use of those worthless hyros, lol. i might get my hands on one and try it
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PostSubject: Re: idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic   drive - idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic Icon_minitimeFri Mar 08, 2013 10:57 pm

It would absolutely work

For how long is the ulitmate question.

Hydro systems don't like to be worked to hard, it bows seals, and overheats sytems.
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PostSubject: Re: idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic   drive - idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic Icon_minitimeFri Mar 08, 2013 10:58 pm

xxXMowerdudeXxx wrote:
now we have a way to make use of those worthless hyros, lol. i might get my hands on one and try it

Hydros aren't worthless. I'd love to have a couple.

It's a matter of application.
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PostSubject: Re: idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic   drive - idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic Icon_minitimeFri Mar 08, 2013 11:00 pm

Hydros aren't worthless. I'd love to have a couple.

It's a matter of application.[/quote]

i know, i meant for modding to go faster and stuff, heck u could use one to go offroading but not very fast lol. i like hyros nice to mow with
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PostSubject: Re: idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic   drive - idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic Icon_minitimeSat Mar 09, 2013 12:14 am

xxXMowerdudeXxx wrote:

Hydros aren't worthless. I'd love to have a couple.

It's a matter of application.

i know, i meant for modding to go faster and stuff, heck u could use one to go offroading but not very fast lol. i like hyros nice to mow with[/quote]

Some 34 years ago. I used to run a 444 Case Hydro. Had a 14 Kohler in it, Hydraulic Sleeve Hitch, Mechanial PTO clutch, And all the accessories.

It had A hydro tiller and I could do wheelies with that thing all day, Throw the deck on and I could do donuts in the grass.
It would top out around 15 Stock in High range,

I want one
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PostSubject: Re: idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic   drive - idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic Icon_minitimeSat Mar 09, 2013 12:59 pm

A friend of mine has a mower with a hydro and we are lowering it and running a live axle with sprockets from each output on the hydro we are gonna put big sprockets on the hydro and small ones on the live axle and have a nice little gokart... also gonna hook the throttle up to the hydro peddle
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PostSubject: Re: idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic   drive - idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic Icon_minitimeSat Mar 09, 2013 5:59 pm

I have no clue, but what I think is that all a hydro needs is 2200rpm and its good. If it gets more it will just be more heat but not more output speed or am I wrong? I've never ran mine, so lol
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PostSubject: Re: idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic   drive - idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic Icon_minitimeSun Sep 15, 2013 9:23 am

I got 12 mph out of my hydro when I pulley swapped. I had a 7" on the engine. Ran it with 20x10x8 cut turfs for a month or 2 without issues. Just make sure it's fan is on it. Mine cracked and fell off
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PostSubject: Re: idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic   drive - idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic Icon_minitimeSun Sep 15, 2013 10:44 am

What I would do it weld a rod directly off the input shaft and have it go
Up to the top of the frame and have supports and what not on it then put a sprocket up at the top
Of that shaft and a sprocket from on the motor then run a chain
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PostSubject: Re: idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic   drive - idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic Icon_minitimeSun Sep 15, 2013 11:20 am

Lol I had this idea for a while, here's a picture I made on paint a long time ago, drive - idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic Lift_i10
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PostSubject: Re: idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic   drive - idea to use a hydro tranny to chain drive to make an automatic Icon_minitimeSun Sep 15, 2013 11:21 am

That's with my craftsman with my 820, same concept tho
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