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 Handicaped Mtd build

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richie thomas
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PostSubject: Handicaped Mtd build    Handicaped Mtd build  Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2013, 4:30 pm

Well this is my first build post and I am going to try to make a utility Handicap or all purpose build out of another MTD pro mower. I have to learn to post sometimes and put pics on so here goes my first try. Moderators help , or put where it needs to go ,my post, if I don't do it right.I started by cutting 2 pieces of 1/4" 3x5 angle iron 11" long. 2 pieces 2x2" angle 11" long. After taking the body off the frame these were c-clamped in the corners and where they fit from the trans axle to the frame. Here I marked all holes and drilled them out on the drill press and bolted them on. I dropped the transaxle and bolted it in place , giving the backend A lift of approximately 5.5". My plans are to use big tires of some kind. I would like to use the 4 lug original rims as they would fit on the stock 2 speed axle. My plans are to make a hand clutch as I do not have control of my feet and legs all the time as I would normally have. There is nothing wrong with my arms and hands. Don't know if anyone else has done this before. Bear with me as I try to upload a picture now of my progress. Thanks.

Handicaped Mtd build  SDC10544
Handicaped Mtd build  SDC10541
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PostSubject: Re: Handicaped Mtd build    Handicaped Mtd build  Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2013, 5:08 pm

Interesting project! What are your thoughts on the hand clutch? You could maybe use the lever from a motorcycle, but I don't think it would have the kind of leverage you would need, and yet still have enough throw. On the other hand, using a deck or PTO lever could work out.
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PostSubject: Re: Handicaped Mtd build    Handicaped Mtd build  Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2013, 5:20 pm

Doc Sprocket wrote:
Interesting project! What are your thoughts on the hand clutch? You could maybe use the lever from a motorcycle, but I don't think it would have the kind of leverage you would need, and yet still have enough throw. On the other hand, using a deck or PTO lever could work out.

i would use the deck hand lever and then you could put the brake on it to
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PostSubject: Re: Handicaped Mtd build    Handicaped Mtd build  Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2013, 5:41 pm

If you could get enough a throw on a bike brake lever (unlikely), I would do direct steering and a handlebar. Clutch on the left, brake on the right, twist for throttle.

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PostSubject: Re: Handicaped Mtd build    Handicaped Mtd build  Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2013, 8:04 pm

This is very cool! first for the whole mower modding community as far as im concerned.
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PostSubject: MTD handicapped - utility all purpose build   Handicaped Mtd build  Icon_minitimeMay 10th 2013, 12:27 am

Thanks guys for the thoughts. My plans are to use the mower deck front pulley and the hand clutch that operates the deck. After inspecting they seem to all line up with the 5.5" lift from the 11" angle iron. Guess what , No welding yet. By reading other post, I understand that the frame must be beefed up some also. To do this I cut an old bed rail and placed under the bottom edge on each side from the brake pedal which is now the only thing on the right side to the back. The same on the other side. Again all holes marked with a permanet marker , and drilled on the drill press. again no welding. As you can see in my next photos the variable drive pullies are all removed leaving only the stock front 5" deck pulley, the clutch mechanism and the original back pulley that was 8" , removed and replaced with an old donor pulley from the front of another engine deck pulley and welded to the star bracket of the original transs pulley , making both the front and back the same size, resulting in a 1 to 1 ratio. At this point a young neighbor whom is also a ATLTF member voluntered to give it a try this evening and to our surprise the hand clutch worked beautiful. The high gear seemed pretty fast, and even raised the front end with some coaxing from the V-twin, and the low was very powerful and seem to pull like I was hoping. It would probably be better if someone else does this build to just leave the stock 8" in the back if using bigger tires than the stock 12" back tires.

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PostSubject: Re: Handicaped Mtd build    Handicaped Mtd build  Icon_minitimeMay 10th 2013, 7:32 am

this is comming along nice how do you have the hand clutch set up
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PostSubject: Re: Handicaped Mtd build    Handicaped Mtd build  Icon_minitimeMay 10th 2013, 9:21 am

Well Mrmotorized eveything, (lol) I set it up by using the whole deck assembly from the handle down to the clutch for the deck itself. The only thing left to do was build a belt tightner on the left side of the mower to tighten up a belt that was a little long. I like to keep the build simple. Everything was right in place after I figured out how much to rise the body so the back pulley, the clutch and the front pulley would all be the same. The MTD seems easy enough to get on and off of because there is a large opening between the seat and the steering wheel. I don't have to put my foot over a large gas tank to mount up.
I hope you understand that nothing had to be done except line the sprockets .The hand lever that normally turns the deck off and on works great . The tension spring and everything is just right. Please note, I had to unplug the safety switch for the clutch to operate with the engine running and the trans in reverse.It would kill the engine when in reverse. Thanks to those who view.
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PostSubject: Re: Handicaped Mtd build    Handicaped Mtd build  Icon_minitimeMay 10th 2013, 10:14 am

It looks like your belt is rubbing together around the clutch.

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PostSubject: Re: Handicaped Mtd build    Handicaped Mtd build  Icon_minitimeMay 10th 2013, 2:28 pm

Isn't that one pulley on the wrong side?
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PostSubject: Re: Handicaped Mtd build    Handicaped Mtd build  Icon_minitimeMay 10th 2013, 2:55 pm

xxXMowerdudeXxx wrote:
Isn't that one pulley on the wrong side?

I think thats just a tensioner. The clutch is on the right side.

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PostSubject: Re: Handicaped Mtd build    Handicaped Mtd build  Icon_minitimeMay 10th 2013, 3:16 pm

Oh ok, just checkin
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PostSubject: Re: Handicaped Mtd build    Handicaped Mtd build  Icon_minitimeMay 10th 2013, 5:29 pm

I think ya'll were refering to the flat tensioner,? If so it was already there and I just left it because it helped keep the belt from rubbing on my stick shift. Yes the belts were rubbing so I have built a belt tightener out of a v groove pulley and can tighten up the belt and it moves the left side of belt away from the other side. After my friend rode it we decided it was perfect and had no slippage. The photo was taken before the belt tightener was put in. If any of you need to see a picture of it I will put one up. I am now gathering up some 1/4" plate and some front snapper wheels to build some hubs for some Honda wheels for the front. I will put them up to show as soon as it quits raining here.
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PostSubject: Re: Handicaped Mtd build    Handicaped Mtd build  Icon_minitimeMay 11th 2013, 1:31 pm

Here is the 1/4" steel disc , the snapper rims and the lug bolts and what I did. Disc were cut from the plate. A hole saw cut a 2" hole in the center so bearings could be changed easy and cotter keys installed.
Handicaped Mtd build  SDC10562Handicaped Mtd build  SDC10563Handicaped Mtd build  SDC10563-1
This is the stock tires and the tires I am going to try to use. The back is just a simple tire change and use the stock MTV rims. The front I'll do away with and use the honda, snapper hubs
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PostSubject: Re: Handicaped Mtd build    Handicaped Mtd build  Icon_minitimeMay 11th 2013, 1:51 pm

This is my tire tryout on front and back. The tires rub a little when you turn , so I guess I need to lift the front a little. Now I need some input from ya'll. If I put a spacer under the bottom of the axle between the spindle and the axle on the kingpin . Would this work? if so would I need to weld the spacer to the axle or could it just sit there? I don't want to have to lower the axle to raise the mowers front. Give me a little input. I like simple.
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PostSubject: Re: Handicaped Mtd build    Handicaped Mtd build  Icon_minitimeMay 11th 2013, 2:42 pm

you could just put steering stops in that would stop the rubing
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PostSubject: Re: Handicaped Mtd build    Handicaped Mtd build  Icon_minitimeMay 12th 2013, 12:24 pm

I tried the body on to see if it would hit the tires and yes , not just a rub but I need to do something, raise the body on it's mounts are put spacers below the axle between the spindles and the axle or whatever. I need about an 1 1/2" lift. I slipped spacers under there and it looks like it would work, but I think it looks weak and may put some stress on my steering mech. If I welded them it would probably be stronger . I could also weld the spacer on top of the spindle and all of the spacer and spindle would move when turning. I think just welding the spacer to the axle would be best and cutting a bolt 3/4" , and extending the kingpin would be strongest. I'm still needing some opinions, If ya'll understand what I'm saying. If not I'll try to put a pic up of what I'm talking about.
Handicaped Mtd build  SDC10555
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PostSubject: Re: Handicaped Mtd build    Handicaped Mtd build  Icon_minitimeJune 6th 2013, 12:04 am

Well, no one had any Ideas about lifting the front end , so I tried to put a bushing under each side , between the axle and and the spindle. I lengthened the king pins by welding the end of a bolt to each one. It worked fine but seemed a bit weak for my liking. I will show pics.Handicaped Mtd build  SDC10581 I then decided to weld a 3/16" plate with a piece of 2" pipe abut an 1/2" thick inside a 2" hole to make the back side of the hole that holds the axle in place. I welded an angle iron across the plate and bolted the front original axle holder to it in case the axle needed changing in the future.Handicaped Mtd build  SDC10583-1Handicaped Mtd build  SDC10585Handicaped Mtd build  SDC10586Handicaped Mtd build  SDC10588Handicaped Mtd build  SDC10592That is about where I am now on this project. I know I need to brace the axle to frame on the back side of the axle, but do you guys put front side braces also? If you have ideas or see something wrong , please speak up. Thanks for reading my post. I will try to post soon.
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PostSubject: Re: Handicaped Mtd build    Handicaped Mtd build  Icon_minitimeJune 6th 2013, 12:14 am

sorry i couldnt help, i just saw this thread, it must have got posted a while back when i wasnt on much, what you did with the 3/16" is what i would have suggested tho lol, anything else you want help on?
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PostSubject: Re: Handicaped Mtd build    Handicaped Mtd build  Icon_minitimeJune 6th 2013, 10:21 am

Good god man that things a monster! Haha
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PostSubject: Re: Handicaped Mtd build    Handicaped Mtd build  Icon_minitimeJune 6th 2013, 1:01 pm

holy crap that looks like a monster from the front lol great work
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PostSubject: Handicaped Mtd build   Handicaped Mtd build  Icon_minitimeJune 6th 2013, 3:08 pm

Yea, I think is is turning into a monster. I forgot to tell ya'll I did the fearless spindle nut add on thingy also on the two front spindles. You know, with the jam nut. I didn't get any pics of it but it turned out fine. I like that. I need to know if there should be a brace in front of the axle to the bumper area? I will put some on the back side. Also what do I need to know to put my dual exhaust on?
Thanks for reading my post. Guys. I like the looks of ya'lls also. Think I'm reading all the builds.
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richie thomas
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PostSubject: Re: Handicaped Mtd build    Handicaped Mtd build  Icon_minitimeJune 6th 2013, 5:32 pm

genegillis5 wrote:
Yea, I think is is turning into a monster. I forgot to tell ya'll I did the fearless spindle nut add on thingy also on the two front spindles. You know, with the jam nut. I didn't get any pics of it but it turned out fine. I like that. I need to know if there should be a brace in front of the axle to the bumper area? I will put some on the back side. Also what do I need to know to put my dual exhaust on?
Thanks for reading my post. Guys. I like the looks of ya'lls also. Think I'm reading all the builds.
i have read every single post on here lol i have sleep problems, so when i cant sleep i read post,
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PostSubject: Handicaped Mtd build   Handicaped Mtd build  Icon_minitimeJune 9th 2013, 9:33 pm

I got to work on my MTD a little,. I turned the exhaust from the front to the sides by unbolting and turning them 180 degrees. the exhaust had to have some spacers put in to lower them below the heat guards on the the head. I built these by drilling a 1" hole in some 1/4" aluminum and two smaller holes for the bolts. they worked fine with 2 of them. and of course some longer bolts. I did away with the torx screws and put some case hardened bolts on.The rest is 1" stainless, which was bent with my new harbor Freight pipe bender. It works nice. behind the hangers in the rear I put some 1/4" rubber belting to dampen the vibrations. The little v-twin sounds sweet to me. My neighbor that helps me give it a very small romp in the yard, so I could watch. Here are my pics as it stands now. The other mower a craftsman is my friendly helpers. Arrow I hope you like the pics and thank you for looking!
Arrow Handicaped Mtd build  SDC10591Handicaped Mtd build  SDC10590Handicaped Mtd build  SDC10593-1Handicaped Mtd build  SDC10597Handicaped Mtd build  SDC10598Handicaped Mtd build  SDC10598Handicaped Mtd build  SDC10595
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PostSubject: Re: Handicaped Mtd build    Handicaped Mtd build  Icon_minitimeJune 9th 2013, 9:44 pm

build looks good man, what are you planning on for the gearing?
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